2017-10-06 90 views
#include "List.h" 

typedef int element;         
typedef struct _ListNode //form of node 
    element data;          
    struct ListNode *link; 
} ListNode; 

ListNode *header = NULL; //make header in global variable 
int num_node = 0; //counting number of nodes 

int AppendNode(const ListNode item); 
void DisplayItem(void); 
int InsertNode(const int pos, const ListNode item); 

int AppendNode(const ListNode item)      
    ListNode *current, *new_item = NULL; 
    new_item = (ListNode *)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); 

    if (new_item == NULL) return 0; 

    new_item->data = item.data;      
    new_item->link = NULL;        

    if (header == NULL)       
     header = new_item;      
     current = header;      
     while (current->link != NULL)     
      current = current->link;      
      current->link = new_item;     
    return 1;           

void DisplayItem(void) //print all the nodes 
    ListNode *current = NULL; 
    current = header; 
    while (current != NULL) 
     printf("%d\n", current->data); //MEMORY ACCESS PROBLEM 
     current = current->link; 

int InsertNode(const int position, const ListNode item) 
    ListNode *current = NULL; 
    ListNode *new_item = NULL; 
    new_item = (ListNode *)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); 

    if (new_item == NULL) return 0; 

    if (position == 1) 
     new_item->link = header; 
     header = new_item; 
    else if((1 < position) && (position < num_node)) 
     int current_position = 0;  
     current = header;   
     while (current_position != (position - 1)) 
      current = current->link; 
     new_item->link = current->link; 
     current->link = new_item; 
    else return 0;         

int main(void) 
    ListNode node1; node1.data = 10;  

    return 0; 

我想製作簡單的鏈接列表程序。但由於內存訪問問題而無法工作。 此外,我做了兩個更多的節點,但它不會附加除了節點1. 我想使用Call-by-Reference。並且所有功能都應使結果爲0,1。C:內存中的簡單鏈接列表訪問錯誤

0 - fail. 
1 - success. 



我建議你在調試器中逐行執行代碼。有幾段代碼非常錯誤。例如'AppendNode'中的循環。我建議你仔細看看它。 –


在while循環中,你應該只臨時扼殺'current = current-> next',並且一旦你離開while循環,分配'current-> link = new_item'。 'while(current-> link!= NULL){current = current-> link; } current-> link = new_item;'是正確的。這是@Someprogrammerdude提到的一點。 – tilz0R


您尚未創建鏈接列表。你的'*頭部'始終是NULL。 – Gaurav



請參考下面用我的評論您簡單的錯誤,並與我校以下嘗試: -

typedef struct _ListNode //form of node 
    element data;          
    struct ListNode *link;/* here it should be _ListNode */ 
} ListNode; 


int AppendNode(const ListNode item)      
    ListNode *current, *new_item = NULL; 
    new_item = (ListNode *)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); 

    if (new_item == NULL) return 0; 

    new_item->data = item.data;      
    new_item->link = NULL;        

    if (header == NULL)       
     header = new_item;      
     current = header;      
     while (current->link != NULL) 
     /* here in the above while statement current->link always NULL because it is pointing to the first node and first->next == NULL. Hence this while loop will never execute and link list will not be created because you have assign the new node inside this while loop. Move the code out side of this loop */    
      current = current->link;      
      current->link = new_item;     


 while (current->link != NULL) 
      current = current->link;         
      current->link = new_item; /* this line of code should be out side of while loop */ 
    return 1;           

Just correct the while loop like above in function AppendNode as well. 
Now it will work fine 

對於遲到的評論很抱歉。不是100%,但它同樣有效!謝謝! –