ANS = input("\tA/B: ")
if ANS == "A":
print("They beat you up and stole all of your stuff. You should have run away.")
del BAG[:]
print("You now have", len(BAG), "items in your bag.")
elif ANS == "a":
print("They beat you up and stole all of your stuff. You should have run away.")
del BAG[:]
print("You now have", len(BAG), "items in your bag.")
elif ANS == "B":
print("You got away but they stole something from you.")
ran_item = random.choice(BAG)
print("You now have", len(BAG), "items in your bag")
print("They are:", BAG)
elif ANS == "b":
print("You got away but they stole something from you.")
ran_item = random.choice(BAG)
print("You now have", len(BAG), "items in your bag")
print("They are:", BAG)
while ANS != "A" or "a" or "B" or "b":
print("You must make a choice...")
ANS = input("\tA/B: ")
非常感謝大家對我的快速回復和幫助。所有的編輯工作都很有用! – robblockwood