使用Oracle 11,並使用查詢/查詢(無存儲過程)我想更新我的序值:甲骨文更新序列值
biggest primary key in table + 1
select max("ID") from ACCOUNTS;
ALTER SEQUENCE SEQ_ACCOUNTS INCREMENT BY "how to use here the max + 1";
使用Oracle 11,並使用查詢/查詢(無存儲過程)我想更新我的序值:甲骨文更新序列值
biggest primary key in table + 1
select max("ID") from ACCOUNTS;
ALTER SEQUENCE SEQ_ACCOUNTS INCREMENT BY "how to use here the max + 1";
example of a stored procedure that resets a sequence value可以在另一個StackOverflow線程中找到。這聽起來像一個匿名的PL/SQL塊,你可以接受,而不是一個存儲過程。在這種情況下,可以進行一些小的修改...
l_current_max number;
l_current_seq number;
l_tmp number;
select max(id)
into l_current_max
from accounts;
select seq_accounts.nextval
into l_current_seq
from dual;
-- Set the nextval of the sequence to 0
execute immediate
'alter sequence seq_accounts increment by -' || l_current_seq || ' minvalue 0';
-- Fetch a value of 0
execute immediate
'select seq_accounts.nextval from dual'
into l_tmp;
-- Set the nextval of the sequence to the current max
execute immediate
'alter sequence seq_accounts increment by ' || l_current_max || ' minvalue 0';
-- Fetch the current max
execute immediate
'select seq_accounts.nextval from dual'
into l_tmp;
-- Set the nextval of the sequence to the current max + 1
execute immediate
'alter sequence seq_accounts increment by 1 minvalue 0';
@Spring沒有函數來設置序列的值,所以你必須以迂迴的方式來做更改序列的步長。 –
您不能在單個查詢中執行此操作。您可以執行一系列SQL語句。或者,您可以將這一系列SQL語句放入存儲過程或匿名PL/SQL塊中。 –
@Justin Cave它不一定是單個查詢,我只是希望它沒有存儲過程 – Spring
是否可以接受匿名PL/SQL塊?如果是這樣,只需要使用存儲過程並用'DECLARE'替換'CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE << procedure name >> AS'。 –