我有一個問題,我的一些代碼... 基本上我試圖更新或插入到數據庫中。第一條if語句是否適用於何時添加新產品。其他人應該更新任何現有的產品。
using (aboDataDataContext dc = new aboDataDataContext())
foreach (abcProduct p in abcProducts)
var match = (from t in dc.abcProducts
where t.sku == p.productcode
select t).FirstOrDefault();
if (match == null)
// Watch out here; there is some type conversion required for certain fields!
abcProduct prod = new abcProduct();
prod.sku = p.productcode;
prod.categoryId = dc.Categories.Single(c => c.Name == p.category).Id;
prod.title = p.name;
prod.brand = p.manufacturer;
prod.description = p.description;
prod.abcPrice = p.price;
prod.size = decimal.TryParse(p.size.Replace("cl", ""), out size) == true ? (int?)size : null;
prod.country = p.country;
prod.region = p.region;
prod.vintage = int.TryParse(p.vintage, out vintage) == true ? (int?)vintage : null;
prod.weight = Convert.ToDecimal("1.50");
prod.strength = p.strength;
prod.bottler = p.bottler;
prod.age = int.TryParse(p.age, out age) == true ? (int?)age : null;
prod.caskType = p.casktype;
prod.series = p.series;
prod.flavour = p.flavour;
if (p.freestock <= 0) { prod.stock = 0; } //check to see if stock is 0
else { prod.stock = p.freestock; }
prod.abcUpdated = false;
prod.stockUpdated = false;
prod.priceUpdated = false;
prod.pricePublished = false;
prod.stockPublished = false;
prod.imgPublished = false;
prod.prodPublished = false;
prod.lastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
// Add the new object to the abcProducts table (only in memory here)
// update row
match.abcUpdated = true;
//Set if an item has been updated or not.
if (match.stock == p.freestock) { match.stockUpdated = false; }
else { match.stockUpdated = true; }
if (match.abcPrice == p.price) { match.priceUpdated = false; }
else { match.priceUpdated = true;}
match.sku = p.productcode;
match.categoryId = dc.Categories.Single(c => c.Name == p.category).Id;
match.title = p.name;
match.brand = p.manufacturer;
match.description = p.description;
match.stock = p.freestock;
match.abcPrice = p.price;
match.size = decimal.TryParse(p.size.Replace("cl", ""), out size) == true ? (int?)size : null;
match.weight = Convert.ToDecimal("1.50");
match.country = p.country;
match.region = p.region;
match.vintage = int.TryParse(p.vintage, out vintage) == true ? (int?)vintage : null;
match.strength = p.strength;
match.bottler = p.bottler;
match.age = int.TryParse(p.age, out age) == true ? (int?)age : null;
match.caskType = p.casktype;
match.series = p.series;
match.flavour = p.flavour;
if (p.freestock <= 0) { match.stock = 0; } //check to see if stock is 0
else { match.stock = p.freestock; }
match.abcUpdated = true;
match.pricePublished = false;
match.stockPublished = false;
match.imgPublished = false;
match.prodPublished = false;
match.lastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
// Finally, request Linq to perform the database updates.
return null;
你說,這是插入新行,但不更新現有的? – Habib 2012-07-06 10:31:31
@ Habib.OSU是的,這是正確的。基本上只有1件物品可能需要更新,如價格或庫存。然而,無論是更新,但值例如傳遞給「match.stock」。 我只是不能解決它爲什麼不更新,因爲它應該。 – thatuxguy 2012-07-06 10:33:24
我也有過這個問題! – 2012-07-06 10:35:56