2017-02-02 48 views










隨着測試圖像我用這一個: Input image


import cv2 
import numpy as np 

# Read an input image (in your case this will be an image from the camera) 
img = cv2.imread('saul2.png ', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) 

# The block_size defines how big the patches around an image are 
# the more LEDs you have and the more segments you want, the lower block_size can be 
block_size = 60 

# Get dimensions of an image 
height, width, chan = img.shape 

# Calculate number of patches along height and width 
h_steps = height/block_size 
w_steps = width/block_size 

# In one loop I calculate both: left and right ambient or top and bottom 
ambient_patch1 = np.zeros((60, 60, 3)) 
ambient_patch2 = np.zeros((60, 60, 3)) 

# Create output image (just for visualization 
# there will be an input image in the middle, 10px black border and ambient color) 
output = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, 70, 70, 70, 70, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value = 0) 

for i in range(h_steps): 
    # Get left and right region of an image 
    left_roi = img[i * 60 : (i + 1) * 60, 0 : 60] 
    right_roi = img[i * 60 : (i + 1) * 60, -61 : -1] 

    left_med = np.median(left_roi, (0, 1)) # This is an actual RGB color for given block (on the left) 
    right_med = np.median(right_roi, (0, 1)) # and on the right 

    # Create patch having an ambient color - this is just for visualization 
    ambient_patch1[:, :] = left_med 
    ambient_patch2[:, :] = right_med 

    # Put it in the output image (the additional 70 is because input image is in the middle (shifted by 70px) 
    output[70 + i * 60 : 70+ (i + 1) * 60, 0 : 60] = ambient_patch1 
    output[70 + i * 60 : 70+ (i + 1) * 60, -61: -1] = ambient_patch2 

for i in range(w_steps): 
    # Get top and bottom region of an image 
    top_roi = img[0 : 60, i * 60 : (i + 1) * 60] 
    bottom_roi = img[-61 : -1, i * 60: (i + 1) * 60] 

    top_med = np.median(top_roi, (0, 1)) # This is an actual RGB color for given block (on top) 
    bottom_med = np.median(bottom_roi, (0, 1)) # and bottom 

    # Create patch having an ambient color - this is just for visualization 
    ambient_patch1[:, :] = top_med 
    ambient_patch2[:, :] = bottom_med 

    # Put it in the output image (the additional 70 is because input image is in the middle (shifted by 70px) 
    output[0 : 60, 70 + i * 60 : 70 + (i + 1) * 60] = ambient_patch1 
    output[-61: -1, 70 + i * 60 : 70 + (i + 1) * 60] = ambient_patch2 

# Save output image 
cv2.imwrite('saul_output.png', output) 

這一點讓結果如下: Output image


編輯: 而且兩個例子: Example1 Example2


我怎樣才能做到這一點?使用什麼工具/程序? – Robert


正如你正確地標記了這個問題,OpenCV是一個不錯的選擇。我會建議使用python(除非你對C++感覺更舒適)。你可以找到很多例子來捕捉來自IP攝像機的流(這取決於你的相機制造商/型號)。稍後我會提供更多有關處理自身的細節。 – MateuszB


在此先感謝! – Robert