在eclipse的Synchronize面板中有一個按鈕「Upload All Outgoing Changes」。任何方式來「點擊」它沒有鼠標?在prefs-> general->鍵中沒有這樣的動作Eclipse同步熱鍵
我爲此創建了一個自動熱鍵文件。 http://www.autohotkey.com/ 我希望你喜歡它!
; Eclipse Synchronize Override Upload
; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language: English
; Platform: Win9x/NT
; Author: Taylor York <[email protected]>
; Script Function:
; Upload Files to the Synchronize Window in Eclipse
#SingleInstance force
DetectHiddenWindows, on
; the title starts with
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SyncAndUpload() ; Function
; Get to the Synchronize Tab
Send {ALT down} ; Hold Alt+Shift+Q down
Send {SHIFT down} ; Eclipse seemed to dislike pressing every key at once
Send {Q down}
Send {Q up}
Send {SHIFT up}
Send {ALT up}
Sleep, 250 ; wait 250 milliseconds
Send y
; Click Override and Upload
Send {Space} ; When you go to the Synchronize tab, you have to select something. Space selects to top item
Send {AppsKey} ; "Right Click"/Context menu the item that is selected
Send {o 2} ; Press o twice (Override and Upload is the second O)
; Make sure we are in Eclipse, so we dont hijack other apps!
#IfWinActive, ahk_class SWT_Window0
#IfWinActive, PHP ; Title starts with PHP (this is used so it only works in PHP mode.
KeyWait Control ; Wait to run until all keys are let go
KeyWait T
KeyWait Control ; Wait to run until all keys are let go
KeyWait S
Send ^S
Sleep 250
- 1. 如何在eclipse中啓用熱同步?
- 2. Highcharts - 同步熱圖
- 3. Eclipse的熱鍵'Run As'
- 4. 如何更改eclipse熱鍵?
- 5. Eclipse中的Tab熱鍵
- 6. 更改Eclipse中的熱鍵類別
- 7. Eclipse,通過熱鍵格式化代碼
- 8. Eclipse熱鍵在XFCE中不起作用
- 9. 查找替換Eclipse中的熱鍵
- 10. Eclipse熱鍵快速找到一個包
- 11. 同步Eclipse項目
- 12. 熱鍵
- 13. Glassfish熱部署與文件同步
- 14. 關鍵字同步和同步概念
- 15. Autohotkey熱鍵觸發另一個熱鍵
- 16. C#熱鍵框(AHK熱鍵風格)
- 17. Eclipse:爲上/下/左/右鍵設置熱鍵
- 18. Glasfish步步熱部署
- 19. Eclipse Svn同步不工作?
- 20. 同步Eclipse工作區
- 21. Eclipse團隊同步透視
- 22. Eclipse SVN同步問題
- 23. Eclipse編輯器同步
- 24. SVN與Eclipse IDE 3.5.0同步
- 25. Autohotkey循環中的相同熱鍵
- 26. 鍵盤與Eclipse和IDEA的快捷同步?
- 27. 熱鍵插件
- 28. Resharper熱鍵
- 29. 等待熱鍵?
- 30. Java JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog熱鍵
這是我需要用鼠標完成的唯一操作。這就是爲什麼我想找到一些方法來做到這一點。也許有人知道任何宏插件或某種? – thik 2010-06-29 11:40:36