是的,你想檢查每個cloudkit調用錯誤。 Apple在雲端工具相關的WWDC視頻中強調了這一點。
,您會得到一個頂級錯誤,其中包含您也必須展開的嵌套錯誤。由於IOS 10的,錯誤的CKError.h
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CKErrorCode) {
CKErrorInternalError = 1, /* CloudKit.framework encountered an error. This is a non-recoverable error. */
CKErrorPartialFailure = 2, /* Some items failed, but the operation succeeded overall. Check CKPartialErrorsByItemIDKey in the userInfo dictionary for more details. */
CKErrorNetworkUnavailable = 3, /* Network not available */
CKErrorNetworkFailure = 4, /* Network error (available but CFNetwork gave us an error) */
CKErrorBadContainer = 5, /* Un-provisioned or unauthorized container. Try provisioning the container before retrying the operation. */
CKErrorServiceUnavailable = 6, /* Service unavailable */
CKErrorRequestRateLimited = 7, /* Client is being rate limited */
CKErrorMissingEntitlement = 8, /* Missing entitlement */
CKErrorNotAuthenticated = 9, /* Not authenticated (writing without being logged in, no user record) */
CKErrorPermissionFailure = 10, /* Access failure (save, fetch, or shareAccept) */
CKErrorUnknownItem = 11, /* Record does not exist */
CKErrorInvalidArguments = 12, /* Bad client request (bad record graph, malformed predicate) */
CKErrorResultsTruncated NS_DEPRECATED(10_10, 10_12, 8_0, 10_0, "Will not be returned") = 13,
CKErrorServerRecordChanged = 14, /* The record was rejected because the version on the server was different */
CKErrorServerRejectedRequest = 15, /* The server rejected this request. This is a non-recoverable error */
CKErrorAssetFileNotFound = 16, /* Asset file was not found */
CKErrorAssetFileModified = 17, /* Asset file content was modified while being saved */
CKErrorIncompatibleVersion = 18, /* App version is less than the minimum allowed version */
CKErrorConstraintViolation = 19, /* The server rejected the request because there was a conflict with a unique field. */
CKErrorOperationCancelled = 20, /* A CKOperation was explicitly cancelled */
CKErrorChangeTokenExpired = 21, /* The previousServerChangeToken value is too old and the client must re-sync from scratch */
CKErrorBatchRequestFailed = 22, /* One of the items in this batch operation failed in a zone with atomic updates, so the entire batch was rejected. */
CKErrorZoneBusy = 23, /* The server is too busy to handle this zone operation. Try the operation again in a few seconds. */
CKErrorBadDatabase = 24, /* Operation could not be completed on the given database. Likely caused by attempting to modify zones in the public database. */
CKErrorQuotaExceeded = 25, /* Saving a record would exceed quota */
CKErrorZoneNotFound = 26, /* The specified zone does not exist on the server */
CKErrorLimitExceeded = 27, /* The request to the server was too large. Retry this request as a smaller batch. */
CKErrorUserDeletedZone = 28, /* The user deleted this zone through the settings UI. Your client should either remove its local data or prompt the user before attempting to re-upload any data to this zone. */
CKErrorTooManyParticipants NS_AVAILABLE(10_12, 10_0) = 29, /* A share cannot be saved because there are too many participants attached to the share */
CKErrorAlreadyShared NS_AVAILABLE(10_12, 10_0) = 30, /* A record/share cannot be saved, doing so would cause a hierarchy of records to exist in multiple shares */
CKErrorReferenceViolation NS_AVAILABLE(10_12, 10_0) = 31, /* The target of a record's parent or share reference was not found */
CKErrorManagedAccountRestricted NS_AVAILABLE(10_12, 10_0) = 32, /* Request was rejected due to a managed account restriction */
CKErrorParticipantMayNeedVerification NS_AVAILABLE(10_12, 10_0) = 33, /* Share Metadata cannot be determined, because the user is not a member of the share. There are invited participants on the share with email addresses or phone numbers not associated with any iCloud account. The user may be able to join the share if they can associate one of those email addresses or phone numbers with their iCloud account via the system Share Accept UI. Call UIApplication's openURL on this share URL to have the user attempt to verify their information. */
} NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_10, 8_0);