我目前正在Haskell中進行棋盤遊戲。這裏是我的功能,評估爲True,當你餵給它的正確的參數鑄造在kingsside。 (問題部分1 & 2,看看評論)。我試圖使用函數組合來找到一個更簡潔的解決方案,但它並不適合我。我會很高興,如果有人能在我的所作所爲採取一目瞭然,並解釋我哪裏錯了...感謝很多提前部分應用函數並在之後編寫它們
shortCastlingWhite :: Int -> Int -> GameState -> Bool
shortCastlingWhite start end [email protected](board,_) =
(board !! 95 == 10) && -- on 95=(e,1) is a white King
(board !! 98 == 11) && -- on 98=(h,8) is a white Rook
(start == 95 && end == 97) && -- move from (e,1) to 97=(g,1)
(not $ (wasMoved state 95 || wasMoved state 98) && -- King and Tower weren't moved until now
(not $ (indexOccupied 96 state || -- part 1 !! 96=(f,1) and (g,1) are unoccupied
(indexOccupied 97 state) || -- part 1
(isThreatenedBy Black 95 state) || -- part 2 !! neither (e,1) nor (f,1) or (g,1) are threatened by Black Figures
(isThreatenedBy Black 96 state) || -- part 2
(isThreatenedBy Black 97 state))) -- part 2
isThreatenedBy :: Colour -> GameState -> Int -> Bool
wasMoved :: GameState -> Int -> Bool
all (swap indexUnoccupied state) [96,97] &&
(all ((not.isThreatenedBy) Black state) [95,96,97]) &&
(all ((not.wasMoved) state) [95,98])
where swap f a b = f b a
Couldn't match expected type `GameState -> a0 -> Bool`
with actual type `Bool`
The function `not . isThreatenedBy` is applied to two arguments,
but its type `Colour -> Bool` has only one
In the first argument of `all`, namely
`((not . isThreatenedBy) Black state)`
In the first argument of `(&&)', namely
`(all ((not . isThreatenedBy) Black state) [95, 96, 97])`
isThreatenedBy ::顏色 - >遊戲狀態 - >內部 - >布爾
當我撰寫不和isThreatenedBy我應該得到 一個功能型的f = (not . isThreatenedBy)
f :: Colour -> GameState -> Int -> Bool
但真正讓我像我想的Colour -> Bool
。 然後我部分地與顏色和遊戲狀態 的值適用它並且將所得的函數f」應該是類型
f' :: Int -> Bool
和看到 如果每一個元件滿足f'
Couldn't match type `GameState -> Int -> Bool` with `Bool`
Expected type: Colour -> Bool
Actual type: Colour -> GameState -> Int -> Bool
Probable cause: `isThreatenedBy` is applied to too few arguments
In the second argument of `(.)`, namely `isThreatenedBy`
In the expression: not . isThreatenedBy
其奇怪的是(不是。 wasMoved)被應用到太多的論據ERROR1 ,可能過於錯誤2不多,但 我不能移動列表元素的括號內, 否則我可以回去一點,從我開始
Couldn't match expected type `a1 -> Bool` with actual type `Bool`
Possible cause: `not . wasMoved` is applied to too many arguments
In the first argument of `all`, namely `((not . wasMoved) state)`
In the second argument of `(&&)`, namely
`(all ((not . wasMoved) state) [95, 98])`
Couldn't match type `Int -> Bool' with `Bool`
Expected type: GameState -> Bool
Actual type: GameState -> Int -> Bool
Probable cause: `wasMoved` is applied to too few arguments
In the second argument of `(.)`, namely `wasMoved`
In the expression: not . wasMoved
Failed, modules loaded: none.
請注意,您所謂的'swap'已經作爲'flip'功能提供。 – Bakuriu
'Data.Tuple'中'swap'的名稱也被「取」爲'swap ::(a,b) - >(b,a)'。 – dfeuer
感謝你們兩個,我不知道......但我會記住 – Fynn