我們的應用程序是使用多種類型的建(例如人,PersonSite(ICollection的),站點 - 我選擇了這些類,因爲他們有關係)。我們想要做的是能夠從Excel表格中的第一個類型(Person)中導出一些屬性,然後從同一個Excel文件中的第二個類型(PersonSite)中導出一些其他屬性,但在同一個新表格中導出其他屬性片。
_________________ ________________________ ________________ | | | | | | |PERSON PROPERTIES| | PERSONSITE PROPERTIES | |SITE PROPERTIES | |_________________| |________________________| |________________| | Name Person 1 | |Relation type for item 1| | Name for item 1| |_________________| |________________________| |________________| |Relation type for item 2| | Name for item 2| |________________________| |________________| |Relation type for item 3| | Name for item 3| |________________________| |________________| _________________ ________________________ ________________ | Name Person 2 | |Relation type for item 1| | Name for item 1| |_________________| |________________________| |________________| |Relation type for item 2| | Name for item 1| |________________________| |________________|
public class Person : IObject
public ICollection<PersonSite> PersonSites {get;set;}
public class PersonSite : IObject
public Person Person {get;set;}
public Site Site {get;set;}
public RelationType RelationType {get;set;}
public class Site : IObject
public ICollection<PersonSite> PersonSites {get;set;}
____ | |0..* ______________ __|____|______ 1..* _______________ | CSV EXPORTER |________| CSV TABLE (T)|__________| CSV COLUMN (T)| |______________| |______________| |_______________| | |1..* ______|________ | CSV ROWS (T) | |_______________|
當添加一個子表,以一個表中,我們應當提供連接表達式將抓住正確類型的從主項中的項(人=> Person.PersonSite)
public class CSVExportTable<T>
where T : IObject
private Matrix<string> Matrix { get; set; }
private ICollection<CSVExportTableColumn<T>> Columns { get; set; }
private ICollection<CSVExportTableRow<T>> Rows { get; set; }
private ICollection<CSVExportTable<IObject>> SubTables { get; set; }
private Expression<Func<T, object>> Link { get; set; }
public CSVExportTable()
this.Matrix = new Matrix<string>();
this.Columns = new List<CSVExportTableColumn<T>>();
this.SubTables = new List<CSVExportTable<IObject>>();
this.Rows = new List<CSVExportTableRow<T>>();
public CSVExportTable<R> AddSubTable<R>(Expression<Func<T, object>> link) where R : IObject
/* This is where we create the link between the main table items and the subtable items (= where we retreive Person => Person.PersonSites as an ICollection<R> since the subtable has a different type (T != R but they have the same interface(IObject))*/
public void AddColumn(Expression<Func<T, object>> exportProperty)
this.Columns.Add(new CSVExportTableColumn<T>(exportProperty));
public Matrix<string> GenerateMatrix()
int rowIndex= 0;
foreach (CSVExportTableRow<T> row in this.Rows)
int columnIndex = 0;
foreach (CSVExportTableColumn<T> column in this.Columns)
this.Matrix = this.Matrix.AddValue(rowIndex, columnIndex, ((string)column.ExportProperty.Compile().DynamicInvoke(row.Item)));
return this.Matrix;
public Matrix<string> ApplyTemplate(ICollection<T> items)
// Generate rows
foreach (T item in items)
this.Rows.Add(new CSVExportTableRow<T>(item));
// Instantiate the matrix
Matrix<string> matrix = new Matrix<string>();
// Generate matrix for every row
foreach (var row in this.Rows)
matrix = GenerateMatrix();
// Generate matrix for every sub table
foreach (var subTable in this.SubTables)
// This it where we should call ApplyTemplate for the current subTable with the elements that the link expression gave us(ICollection).
return matrix;
public class CSVExportTableColumn<T> where T : IObject
public Expression<Func<T, object>> ExportProperty { get; set; }
public CSVExportTableColumn(Expression<Func<T, object>> exportProperty)
this.ExportProperty = exportProperty;
有沒有人做過類似的東西?還是我們走錯了路? 如果這似乎是一條好路徑,我們如何創建鏈接(關係)表達式並使用它來檢索最後一次調用中使用的正確項目?
偉大你有它的工作,你可以關閉它嗎? – 2012-02-19 21:22:56
我同意@MicahArmantrout;對於搜索類似問題的其他人,您是否可以將更新發布爲答案並接受它?它也將防止將回答者試圖解決您的問題..謝謝:-) – Jonno 2012-03-13 14:07:10
@Whoami請張貼您的解決方案作爲答案。你可以接受這個答案(有時你需要等待一兩天才能完成)。如果你這樣做,你會問問題和答案,因爲你已經做了一些出色的工作。現在完成步驟(: – 2012-03-22 20:24:20