2009-12-12 33 views

我想安裝rails在我的eee pc中使用最新版本的ubuntu,我有一些軟件包告訴installable.how是否有可能?我甚至可以安裝gem不能在ubuntu 9.10中安裝rails在我的eee PC

[email protected]:~$ gem 
The program 'gem' can be found in the following packages: 
* rubygems1.8 
* rubygems1.9.1 
Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package> 
gem: command not found 

[email protected]:/home/fenec# apt-get install rubygems1.8 
Reading package lists... Done 
Building dependency tree  
Reading state information... Done 
Package rubygems1.8 is not available, but is referred to by another package. 
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or 
is only available from another source 
E: Package rubygems1.8 has no installation candidate 

是否有可能某些軟件包因我的硬件而無法安裝?我有這個問題只與這個版本的Ubuntu的我曾經有Ubuntu 8.10和軌道工作像一個魅力。



我通常從源碼安裝紅寶石寶石。我會嘗試遵循this guide - 它適用於多種不同的Ubuntu安裝。


我從源碼安裝RubyGems總是有更好的體驗。最合適的一個幾乎總是落後於版本方式,並且通常gem將需要最新版本的RG。 – hernan43 2009-12-12 12:18:11