我在提示用戶輸入有關汽車的數據。 Do ... while()循環我第一次使用時工作正常,然後在第一次後無法正常工作。代碼如下,我正在使用Dev-C++。感謝您的幫助和時間。做... while()循環不能正常工作
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
char manufacturer[16], model[16], year[10], miles[10], car_cost[12];
char response;
ofstream OS ("usedcars.txt", ios::out);
cout<<"for each car please enter :"<<endl;
ofstream OS ("usedcars.txt", ios::app);
cout<<"The manufacturer: ";
cin.getline(manufacturer, 16);
cout<<"The model: ";
cin.getline(model, 16);
cout<<"The year: ";
cin.getline(year, 8);
cout<<"The miles: ";
cin.getline(miles, 8);
cout<<"The cost of car $: ";
cin.getline(car_cost, 10);
OS << manufacturer << setw(9) << model << setw(8) << year << setw(11)<< miles << setw(8) << car_cost << endl;
cout<<"Do you want to continue?";
while (response!='n');
return 0;
** * ** * *程序的outpu* ** * ** * *
for each car please enter :
The manufacturer: Toyota
The model: corolla
The year: 2005
The miles: 123,000
The cost of car $: 7,999
Do you want to continue?y
The manufacturer: The model: Honda
The year: Civic
The miles: 67,850
The cost of car $: 9,200
Do you want to continue?n
** *usedcars.txt* ** * ** * ** * ** * *
Toyota corolla 2005 123,000 7,999
Honda Civic 67,850 9,200
*第一次後不能正常工作*它掛起,它崩潰,它飛走了,它爆炸了嗎?除非你明確地告訴我們,否則我們應該如何知道? – 2012-03-16 07:28:56
不,我猜它「死於火焰」:) – sirgeorge 2012-03-16 07:33:16
我認爲文件usedcars.txt是空的或可能是它被讀取錯誤 – Ben 2012-03-16 07:36:34