2017-03-08 26 views

如何在c#窗戶上mouseclick事件面板滑出應用 我已經嘗試了本如何自動隱藏在鼠標點擊事件面板在C#

panel1.Location = new Point(panel1.Location.X - i, panel1.Location.Y); 

爲什麼你會使用'的Thread.Sleep()'?它對你沒有用處......而10表示10ms,這只是1/100秒,所以它不會做任何事情。 – EpicKip


你甚至還想要什麼......如何滑動?隱藏?鼠標點擊哪裏?什麼? – EpicKip


歡迎來到StackOverflow,請看看[我如何問一個好問題?](http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask)瞭解一些關於提出質量問題的提示和技巧。 – phuzi




private void panel1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
    //declare step in pixel which will be used to move panel 
    int xMoveStep = 3; 
    //repeat this block of code until panel is hidden under form's left border, until 
    //panels top right is less than 0 
    while (this.panel1.Right > 0) 
     //move it to left 
     this.panel1.Left = this.panel1.Left - xMoveStep; 
     //pause for 10 milliseconds 



Timer m_Timer = null; // placeholder for your timer 

private void panel1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
    if(m_Timer != null) return; 
    // if timer is not null means you're animating your panel so do not want to perform any other animations 

    m_Timer = new Timer(); // instantiate timer 
    m_Timer.Interval = 1000/30; // 30 frames per second; 
    m_Timer.Tick += OnTimerTick; // set method handler 
    m_Timer.Start(); // start the timer 

int m_CurrentFrame = 0; // current frame 

void OnTimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    const int LAST_FRAME_INDEX = 150; // maximum frame you can reach 

    if(m_CurrenFrame > LAST_FRAME_INDEX) // if max reached 
     m_Timer.Stop(); // stop timer 
     m_Timer.Dispose(); // dispose it for the GC 
     m_Timer = null; // set it's reference to null 
     m_CurrentFrame = 0; // reset current frame index 
     return; // return from the event 

    this.Invoke(new MethodDelegate(() => { // invoke this on the UI thread 
     panel1.Location = new Point(panel1.Location.X - m_CurrenFrame, panel1.Location.Y); 
    m_CurrentFrame++; // increase current frame index 


private void frmTest_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
    if (e.Location.X >= panel1.Bounds.X && e.Location.X <= (panel1.Bounds.X + panel1.Bounds.Width) && e.Location.Y >= panel1.Bounds.Y && e.Location.Y <= (panel1.Bounds.Y + panel1.Bounds.Width)) 
    panel1.Visible = false; 
    panel1.Visible = true; 

private void panel1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
    panel1.Visible = false; 