2012-12-05 62 views

我有一個大問題。我使用2個文件,adminedit.phpadminedit.js。當JavaScript在adminedit.php everytings偉大的作品。但當我使用:Extarnal Javascript不起作用,但內部工作

<script language="javascript" src="js/adminedit.js"></script> 

...我的代碼不起作用。 有建議嗎?謝謝!


$(document).ready(function() { 

//********************* Edit User ********************* 
    $(".edituser").click(function edituser() { 
     var ID=$(this).attr('id'); // get user ID 
     // hide text 
     $("#username_"+ID).hide(); // hide username text 
     $("#email_"+ID).hide(); // hide email text 
     $("#password_"+ID).hide(); // hide password text 
     $("#ip_"+ID).hide(); // hide ip text 
     // show span 
     $("#username_input_"+ID).show(); // show username span 
     $("#email_input_"+ID).show(); // show email span 
     $("#password_input_"+ID).show(); // show password span 
     $("#ip_input_"+ID).show(); // show ip span 
     var ID=$(this).attr('id'); // get user ID 
     var username=$("#username_input_"+ID).val(); // get username 
     var email=$("#email_input_"+ID).val(); // get email 
     var password=$("#password_input_"+ID).val(); // get password 
     var ip=$("#ip_input_"+ID).val(); // get ip 
     var dataString = 'edit='+ ID +'&username='+username+'&email='+email+'&password='+password+'&ip='+ip; 
     $("#username_"+ID).html('<img src="../style/load.gif" />'); // show loading icon 

    // verify if are blank fildes 
    if(username.length && email.length && password.length>0) { 
     // modify user info 
     type: "POST", 
     url: "<?php echo $tubCMSadmin['adminedit']; ?>", 
     data: dataString, 
     cache: false, 
     success: function(html) 
     // if info was edited do this 
    } else { 
     alert('Enter something.') // if are blank fildes 

     return false 
// hide span and show text 

//********************* Delete User ********************* 
    $(".deleteuser").click(function deleteuser() 
     var ID=$(this).attr('id'); // get user ID 
     var dataString = 'delete='+ ID; 
    // confirm to delete 
    if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete")) { 
     // delete user 
      type: "POST", 
      url: "<?php echo $tubCMSadmin['admindelete']; ?>", 
      data: dataString, 
      cache: false 
     // delete row from table 
     var row = document.getElementById(ID); 
    } else { 
     // if not confirmed 
     return false 



<tr id="<?php echo $user[$nr][1]; ?>" bgcolor="#f2f2f2" class="edit_tr"> 
<td class="edit_td"><!-- // new cell --> 
<span id="username_<?php echo $user[$nr][1]; ?>" class="spantext"><?php echo $user[$nr][2]; ?></span> 
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $user[$nr][2]; ?>" class="editbox inputusername" id="username_input_<?php echo $user[$nr][1]; ?>" /> 
<td class="edit_td"><!-- // new cell --> 
<span id="email_<?php echo $user[$nr][1]; ?>" class="spantext"><?php echo $user[$nr][3]; ?></span> 
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $user[$nr][3]; ?>" class="editbox inputemail" id="email_input_<?php echo $user[$nr][1]; ?>"/> 
<td class="edit_td"><!-- // new cell --> 
<span id="password_<?php echo $user[$nr][1]; ?>" class="spantext"><?php echo $user[$nr][5]; ?></span> 
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $user[$nr][5]; ?>" class="editbox inputpassword" id="password_input_<?php echo $user[$nr][1]; ?>"/> 
<td class="edit_td"><!-- // new cell --> 
<span id="ip_<?php echo $user[$nr][1]; ?>" class="spantext"><?php echo $user[$nr][6]; ?></span> 
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $user[$nr][6]; ?>" class="editbox inputip" id="ip_input_<?php echo $user[$nr][1]; ?>"/> 
<td><!-- // new cell --> 
<input type="button" class="edituser" id="<?php echo $user[$nr][1]; ?>"> 
<td><!-- // new cell --> 
<input type="button" class="deleteuser" id="<?php echo $user[$nr][1]; ?>" onclick="deleteuser(this);"> 

定義「不起作用」。是否產生錯誤? – Snuffleupagus


不,JavaScript不再完成任務。 – GAD


