
const option = x => f => isAssigned(x) ? option(f(x)) : none; 

const none = option(null); 


const isAssigned = x => x !== null && x !== undefined; 
const inc = x => x + 1; 
const sqr = x => x * x; 
const head = xs => xs[0] 
const log = x => (console.log(x), x); 


option(head([4])) (inc) (sqr) (log); // 25 

option(head([])) (inc) (sqr) (log); // not executed



const option = x => f => isAssigned(x) ? option(f(x)) : none; 

const option_ = x => f => isAssigned(x) ? flatten(option(f(x))) : none; 

const none = option(null); 

const of = x => option(x); // return 

const flatten = F => { // it gets a bit ugly here 
    let y; 

    F(z => (y = z, z)); 
    return y; 

// auxiliary functions 

const compn = (...fs) => x => fs.reduceRight((acc, f) => f(acc), x); 

const getOrElse = x => F => { 
    let y; 

    F(z => (y = z, z)); 
    return isAssigned(y) ? y : x; 

const isAssigned = x => x !== null && x !== undefined; 
const log = prefix => x => (console.log(prefix, x), x); 
const head = xs => xs[0]; 
const head_ = xs => option(xs[0]); 
const sqr = x => x * x; 

// some data 

const xs = [5], 
ys = []; 

// run 

const w = option(xs) (head), 
x = option(ys) (head), 
y = option_(xs) (head_), 
z = option_(ys) (head_); 

log("square head of xs:") (compn(sqr, getOrElse(1)) (w)); // 25 

log("square head of ys:") (compn(sqr, getOrElse(0)) (x)); // 0 

log("square head_ of xs:") (compn(sqr, getOrElse(0)) (y)); // 25 

log("square head_ of ys:") (compn(sqr, getOrElse(0)) (z)); // 0

實際上是一個算符我的問題是:是否有可能僅使用(純)更高階函數來表示每個函子/ monad,其中上下文(或有效)計算的結果保存在調用堆棧中?


你爲什麼要這麼做?如果「瀏覽器中的haskell」是你的目標還有其他解決方案 – niceman


@ftor你的意思是類似[教會編碼](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_encoding)? – phg


@phg的理論基礎,謝謝。所以這在理論上是可能的。我仍然懷疑是否有實際問題在Javascript中實現它們。到目前爲止,'option'沒有(proto)類型。我如何將函數(如''')與正確的monad關聯?而且,'option'只是一個聯盟。沒有標籤也沒有辦法反映工會採用哪種類型。 – ftor



當然。函數幾乎可以做任何事情。無論如何,你自找的,所以你知道我會盡我所能提供^ _^



  1. 變量
  2. 拉姆達抽象
  3. 應用


const identity = x => x 
const fromNullable = x => x == null ? None : Option(x) 

const Option = (value) => k => { 
    const join =() => value 
    const map = f => Option(f(value)) 
    const bind = f => f(value) 
    const ap = m => optionMap(value)(m) 
    const fold = f => f(value) 
    return k (value, join, map, bind, ap, fold) 

const None =() => k => { 
    const join = identity 
    const map = f => None() 
    const bind = f => None() 
    const ap = m => None() 
    const fold = f => f(null) 
    return k (null, join, map, bind, ap, fold) 

const optionJoin = m => m((value, join, map, bind, ap, fold) => join()) 
const optionMap = f => m => m((value, join, map, bind, ap, fold) => map(f)) 
const optionBind = f => m => m((value, join, map, bind, ap, fold) => bind(f)) 
const optionAp = n => m => m((value, join, map, bind, ap, fold) => ap(n)) 
const optionFold = f => m => m((value, join, map, bind, ap, fold) => fold(f)) 

optionFold (console.log) (Option(5)) // 5 
optionFold (console.log) (None()) // null 

optionFold (console.log) (optionMap (x => x * 2) (Option(5))) // 10 
optionFold (console.log) (optionMap (x => x * 2) (None()))// null 

optionFold (console.log) (optionAp(Option(3)) (Option(x => x + 4))) // 7 
optionFold (console.log) (optionAp(Option(3)) (None())) // null 

optionFold (console.log) (optionBind(x => Option(x * x)) (Option(16))) // 256 
optionFold (console.log) (optionBind(x => Option(x * x)) (None())) // null 

optionFold (console.log) (optionJoin (Option(Option('hi')))) // 'hi' 
optionFold (console.log) (optionJoin (Option(None())))// null


我期待着討論,如果你有興趣,當然^ _^ – naomik


你把整個API放到'Option'類型中。這就說得通了。我會稍微玩一下,稍後再回來。 – ftor


耶對待它有點像一個類型的類 - 方便壽,選項和無類型可以定義自己的「方法」 – naomik