2014-02-21 124 views

你好我已經困在這裏了一個星期...... 說我有這樣的結果我的查詢..的Sql樞紐報表

Branch Pay1 Pay2 Pay3 Pay4 
Branch1 100 100 100 100 
Branch1 150 150 150 150 
Branch2 200 200 200 200 
Branch3 200 200 200 200 


Branch Pay1 Pay2 Pay3 Pay4 
Branch1 250 250 250 250 
Branch2 200 200 200 200 
Branch3 200 200 200 200 


Item Branch1 Branch2 Branch3 
pay1 250  200  200 
pay2 250  200  200 
pay3 250  200  200  
pay4 250  200  200 



Select distinct 
    --pr_employees.Fullname as Name 
    PR_Employees.BranchID,PR_payroll.BasicPay as [BasicPay] 
    ,Pr_payroll.SundayOT as [Sunday OT] 
    ,Pr_Payroll.PaidHol as [Paid Hol] 
    ,pr_payroll.ThirteenthMonthPay as [Thirteen MO] 
    ,pr_payroll.Grosspay as [Gross Amount] 
    ,pr_payroll.WithHoldingTax as [WithTax] 
    ,pr_payroll.SSSPremium as [SSS Cont] 
    ,pr_payroll.SSSLoan as [SSS Loan] 
    ,pr_payroll.PagibigPremium as [Pagibig Cont] 
    ,pr_payroll.PagibigLoan as [Pagibig Loan] 
    ,pr_payroll.NHIPPremium as Medicare 
    ,pr_payroll.TotalDeductions as [Total Ded] 
    ,pr_Payroll.netpay as [Net with OD] 
    ,pr_payroll.netnoOd as [Net no OD] 
from pr_employees 
    left join pr_payroll on PR_Employees.EmpID=PR_Payroll.EmpID 
    left join PR_EmpEarnings on PR_Payroll.EmpID=PR_EmpEarnings.EmpID 
    left join PR_Earnings on PR_EmpEarnings.EarningId=pr_earnings.earningid 
    left join PR_Overtime on PR_Overtime.EmpID=PR_Payroll.EmpID 
    left join PRChargesAdvances on PRChargesAdvances.transactiondate=pr_payroll.period 
    and prchargesadvances.empid=pr_payroll.empid 
    left join PRChargesAdvancesTypes on PRChargesAdvances.ChargeTypeID=PRChargesAdvancesTypes.ChargesTypeID 
where PR_Payroll.Period='8/31/2013' 

你運行了什麼查詢來獲得該結果? (請粘貼sql) –


我已經發布了我的查詢..但這僅僅是第一個結果 – user3312649


存在多少個分支ID?如果必須在查詢中指定它們全部,它是可以接受的嗎? –







with sub as 
(select branch, 
     sum(pay1) as sum_py1 sum(pay2) as sum_py2 sum(pay3) as sum_py3 sum(pay4) as sum_py4 
    from bunchoftbls 
    where PR_Payroll.Period = '8/31/2013' 
    group by branch) 
select 'Pay1 literal' 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch1' then sum_py1 else 0 end) as branch1 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch2' then sum_py1 else 0 end) as branch2 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch3' then sum_py1 else 0 end) as branch3 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch4' then sum_py1 else 0 end) as branch4 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch5' then sum_py1 else 0 end) as branch5 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch6' then sum_py1 else 0 end) as branch6 
from sub 
union all 
select 'Pay2 literal' 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch1' then sum_py2 else 0 end) as branch1 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch2' then sum_py2 else 0 end) as branch2 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch3' then sum_py2 else 0 end) as branch3 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch4' then sum_py2 else 0 end) as branch4 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch5' then sum_py2 else 0 end) as branch5 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch6' then sum_py2 else 0 end) as branch6 
from sub 
union all 
select 'Pay3 literal' 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch1' then sum_py3 else 0 end) as branch1 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch2' then sum_py3 else 0 end) as branch2 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch3' then sum_py3 else 0 end) as branch3 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch4' then sum_py3 else 0 end) as branch4 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch5' then sum_py3 else 0 end) as branch5 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch6' then sum_py3 else 0 end) as branch6 
from sub 
union all 
select 'Pay4 literal' 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch1' then sum_py4 else 0 end) as branch1 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch2' then sum_py4 else 0 end) as branch2 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch3' then sum_py4 else 0 end) as branch3 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch4' then sum_py4 else 0 end) as branch4 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch5' then sum_py4 else 0 end) as branch5 
     , sum(case when branch = 'Branch6' then sum_py4 else 0 end) as branch6 
from sub 

嗯,我認爲這會讓程序變慢。 – user3312649