目前我在嘗試構建我的SQL表時出現錯誤,錯誤在標題「索引超出範圍內指出」,必須是非負數並且小於集合的大小 參數名稱索引:」我不明白爲什麼它拋出這個然而本身似乎確定的代碼...指數超出範圍。必須是非負數且小於集合的大小。參數名稱:索引SQLite
static void Main(string[] args)
ServiceReference1.ControlPumpsClient WCFSQL = new SQLserver.ServiceReference1.ControlPumpsClient();
string[] SQLData = new string[6];
while (WCFSQL.getData()[0] == null) { }
if (WCFSQL.getData()[0] != null)
SQLData = WCFSQL.getData();
SQLiteConnection myConnection = new SQLiteConnection("Data source=test.db; Version=3;");
/// If this is not the first time the program has run,
/// the table 'cars' will already exist, so we will remove it
SQLiteCommand tableDropCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand();
tableDropCommand.CommandText = "drop table Records";
catch (SQLiteException ex) // We expect this if the table is not present
Console.WriteLine("Table 'Records' does not exist");
/// Now create a table called 'records'
SQLiteCommand tableCreateCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand();
tableCreateCommand.CommandText = "create table Records (ID int, FuelType varchar(10), Price float, TankVolume int)";
/// Now insert some data.
/// First, create a generalised insert command
SQLiteCommand insertCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand();
insertCommand.CommandText = "insert into Records (ID, FuelType, Price, TankVolumes) values (@id, @fueltype, @price, @volume)";
insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@id"));
insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@fueltype"));
insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@price"));
insertCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@tankvolume"));
addSQL(insertCommand, int.Parse(SQLData[0]), SQLData[1], float.Parse(SQLData[2]), double.Parse(SQLData[3]));
/// Now, create a comand to read from the database;
SQLiteCommand listAllRecordsCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand();
listAllRecordsCommand.CommandText = "select * from Records";
SQLiteDataReader reader = listAllRecordsCommand.ExecuteReader();
/// Iterate over the results and print them
while (reader.Read())
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append(reader["ID"] + ",");
sb.Append(reader["FuelType"] + ",");
sb.Append(reader["Price"] + ",");
sb.Append(reader["Volumes"] + ",");
/// Wait for a keypress
public static void addSQL(SQLiteCommand insertCommand, int pumpID, string fuel, float price, double volume){
/// Now, set the values for the insert command and add two records
insertCommand.Parameters["@id"].Value = pumpID;
insertCommand.Parameters["@fueltype"].Value = fuel;
insertCommand.Parameters["@price"].Value = price;
insertCommand.Parameters["@volume"].Value = volume;
insertCommand.Parameters["@volume"].Value = volume;
您已拼寫爲@tankvolume – Cris 2013-05-07 06:57:25