2015-06-11 28 views




有人嗎? :)

'######### fnopen(): Opens a FileDialog, allowing the user to choose the GLA File. ######### 
'#########    Returns directory/filename of selected as String    ######### 

Function fnopen() As String 

    Dim strFileToOpen As String 

    strFileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename _ 
     (Title:="Please choose GLA501 to open") 
     '# Change name of FileDialog (is being displayed) 
    Workbooks.Open filename:=strFileToOpen 
    '# Open Workbook 
    fnopen = strFileToOpen 
    MsgBox fnopen & "  1" 
    MsgBox strFileToOpen & "  2" 

End Function 


'######### MakeRow(): Creates String of Cell out of row and String      ######### 

Function MakeRow(rowno As Integer, col As String) As String 

    MakeRow = col & CStr(rowno) 

End Function 

'######### getmat(): Requires row no. and returns material no.      ######### 

Function getmat(rowno As Integer, col As String) As String 

    getmat = Range(MakeRow(rowno, col)).Value 

End Function 


Function fcat(gla_path As String, gla_name As String, lastrow As Integer) As Integer 

    Dim srchRange As Range, found_in_location As Range, lookFor As Range 
    Dim rowno As Integer, counter As Integer 
    Dim col As String 

    rowno = 16 
    col = "F" 

    counter = 0 

    Dim book1 As Workbook 
    Dim book2 As Workbook 

    Set book1 = ThisWorkbook 
    Set book2 = Workbooks(gla_name) 

    Set lookFor = book2.Sheets(1).Cells(rowno, 6) ' value to find 
    Set srchRange = book1.Sheets(2).Range(MakeRow(rowno, col), MakeRow(lastrow, col)) 'source 

    Set found_in_location = srchRange.Columns(1).Find(What:=lookFor, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False) 
    If Not found_in_location Is Nothing Then 
     found_in_location.Offset(0, 85).Value = lookFor.Offset(0, 79) 
     counter = counter + 1 
    End If 

    fcat = counter 

End Function 


Sub annualazy() 

    Dim gla_path As String, gla_name As String, col As String, rowno As Integer, counter As Integer, lastrow As Integer 

    MsgBox ("This VBA updates 'DC_Annual_Planning' by copying values from '4510_GLA501_DC'. Make sure to select the correct files!") 
    gla_path = fnopen() 
    gla_name = Right(gla_path, Len(gla_path) - InStrRev(gla_path, "\")) 

    rowno = 16 
    col = "F" 

    lastrow = Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).row 
    MsgBox lastrow 

    MsgBox gla_name 
    MsgBox getmat(rowno, col) 
    MsgBox fcat(gla_path, gla_name, lastrow) 

End Sub 





Dim found_in_location As Range 
Set found_in_location = srchRange.Columns(1).Find(What:=lookFor, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False) 
If Not found_in_location Is Nothing Then 
    lookFor.Offset(0, 79).Value = found_in_location.Offset(0, 2) 
    ' What will you do if the value is not found? 
End If 

,那就是:在沒有仔細檢查你的代碼的其餘部分,假設你有一個是lookFor.Offset(0, 79).Value = Application.VLookup(lookFor, srchRange, 2, False)問題行了,你可以用類似的東西代替它更容易閱讀和調試。


非常感謝您的幫助,只是一個問題:我是對的,這將取距離found_in_location 2個單元格的單元格的值,並將其粘貼到單元格右邊的79個單元格中,右鍵單擊? – Lukas


是的,這是正確的(那些是if語句第一部分的偏移量)。如果你想嘗試一下,你總是可以製作一份你的項目的副本,可能會在代碼中包含一些'MsgBox'es或'Debug.Print'-語句,以幫助您瞭解它發生在不同的地方。哦,如果你覺得這個答案令人滿意,如果你通過檢查它的頂部旁邊的標記(在箭頭下)來標記它,我將不勝感激@Lukas – eirikdaude


剛剛測試過它......它運行!非常感謝:) – Lukas
