#lang racket/gui
(require 2htdp/image)
(define frame (new frame%
[label "Example"]
[width 500]
[height 500]))
(send frame show #t)
; (sleep 1) ; tried this to allow time for frame to show properly; does not help;
(new canvas% [parent frame]
(lambda (canvas dc)
(for ((i imglist)) ; imglist is a list of images to be displayed @ 1/second.
(send dc clear)
(send dc draw-bitmap
(image->bitmap i)
20 20)
; (send dc flush) ; this statement also does not help;
(sleep 1) ; to show animation effect from list of images;
的圖像 - >位功能是:;來源:https://lists.racket-lang.org/users/archive/2014-December/065110.html
(define (image->bitmap image)
(let* ([width (image-width image)]
[height (image-height image)]
[bm (make-bitmap width height)]
[dc (send bm make-dc)])
(send dc clear)
(send image draw dc 0 0 0 0 width height 0 0 #f)
是的,它工作得很好。我發現我也可以用「(發送canvas get-dc)」來獲取dc對象,然後在無限循環中對其進行繪製位圖,但是框架關閉按鈕不起作用,並且該過程必須從DrRacket IDE。使用線程的解決方案沒有這樣的問題。 – rnso
我已經添加了這個作爲回答,以清楚地顯示它。 – rnso