2016-10-10 67 views

我有以下的mixin在JS /部件/ LoadAllStoreMixin.js聲明:定製_StoreMixin爲dGrid沒有做它應該做的

define([ 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dgrid/_StoreMixin' ], function(declare, 
     _StoreMixin) { 
    return declare(_StoreMixin, { 
     // summary: 
     // dgrid mixin which implements the refresh method to 
     // always perform a single query with no start or count 
     // specified, to retrieve all relevant results at once. 
     // Appropriate for grids using memory stores with small 
     // result set sizes. 

     refresh : function() { 
      var self = this; 

      // First defer to List#refresh to clear the grid's 
      // previous content 

      if (!this._renderedCollection) { 

      return this._trackError(function() { 
       var queryResults = self._renderedCollection.fetch(); 
       queryResults.totalLength.then(function(total) { 
        // Record total so it can be retrieved later via 
        // get('total') 
        self._total = total; 
       return self.renderQueryResults(queryResults); 

     renderArray : function() { 
      var rows = this.inherited(arguments); 

      // Clear _lastCollection which is ordinarily only used for 
      // store-less grids 
      this._lastCollection = null; 

      return rows; 


var gridDataString = dom.byId("connectedEnvironmentsAndLevelsGridData").innerHTML; 
eval("var connectedEnvironmentsAndLevelsGridJsonData=" + gridDataString); 
var connectedEnvironmentsAndLevelsStore = new Memory( 
     { data: connectedEnvironmentsAndLevelsGridJsonData } 
var SelectionGrid = declare([ Grid, LoadAllStoreMixin, Selection, Keyboard, DijitRegistry]); 
connectedEnvironmentsAndLevelsGrid = new SelectionGrid({ 
    store : connectedEnvironmentsAndLevelsStore, 
    selectionMode : "toggle", 
    columns : connectedEnvironmentsAndLevelsGridHeader, 
    allowSelectAll : true, 
    allowSelect: function(row) { 
     // disable the grid's rows basing on the phase compatibility 
     // if true, the row selection is enabled, otherwise disabled 
     return checkPhaseCompatibility(row); 
}, "connectedEnvironmentsAndLevelsGrid"); 
// Grid is an OnDemandGrid, not a normal grid. 

它被正確加載(所以有與define([], function(){});樣板沒有問題),但由於某些原因,它在第一ifrefresh()返回,所以它不會做什麼它應該。我不知道爲什麼這會失敗。我是否需要編寫更多的代碼,而不僅僅是refresh()renderArray()函數?



您使用的是dgrid 0.4版本的示例,我希望您也使用了相同版本的api。


connectedEnvironmentsAndLevelsGrid = new SelectionGrid({ 
    collection : connectedEnvironmentsAndLevelsStore, 
    selectionMode : "toggle", 
    columns : connectedEnvironmentsAndLevelsGridHeader, 
    allowSelectAll : true, 
    allowSelect: function(row) { 
     // disable the grid's rows basing on the phase compatibility 
     // if true, the row selection is enabled, otherwise disabled 
     return checkPhaseCompatibility(row); 
}, "connectedEnvironmentsAndLevelsGrid"); 

更新:如果您正在使用0.3version,例如在日文章將無法正常工作,因爲沒有_renderCollection財產_StoreMixin 0.3版。此外,其他屬性也會丟失,如正在此擴展中使用的「_total」。



我實際上不確定我使用的是什麼版本的dgrid。如果它還沒有收集,它可能早於0.4。這是Dojo 1.8的版本。我們無法輕易改變這個版本,所以我可能需要一個來自Dojo 1.8附帶的dgrid版本的例子。 – Nzall


我檢查了changeLog。我們使用的是dGrid 0.3.14。 – Nzall


@Nzall用更多信息更新了帖子。 –
