>>> data
array([ 1, 172, 32, ..., 42, 189, 29], dtype=int8) # SIGNED int8
for value in data, check:
if value & 0x01:
result.append((value >> 1 << 8) + next(value).astype(numpy.uint8))
# that is: take TWO values from 'data', one signed, the next un-signed, glue them together, appending ONE int16 to result
result.append(value >> 1)
# that is: take ONE value from 'data', appending ONE int8 to result
# data is a string of 'bytes' received from a device
def unpack(data):
l = len(data)
p = 0
result = []
while p < l:
i1 = (((ord(data[p]) + 128) % 256) - 128)
p += 1
if i1 & 0x01:
# read next 'char' as an uint8
# due to the nature of the protocol,
# we will always have sufficient data
# available to avoid reading past the end
i2 = ord(data[p])
p += 1
result.append((i1 >> 1 << 8) + i2)
result.append(i1 >> 1)
return result
更新:感謝@Jaime我已經設法實現高效的解壓縮功能。這與他的非常相似,雖然速度更快。 while循環當然是關鍵部分。我在這裏發佈它,以防萬一有興趣:
def new_np_unpack(data):
mask = (data & 0x01).astype(numpy.bool)
true_positives = None
while True:
# check for 'true positives' in the tentative mask
# the next item must by definition be a false one
true_positives = numpy.nonzero(numpy.logical_and(mask, numpy.invert(numpy.concatenate(([False], mask[:-1])))))[0]
# loop until no more 'false positives'
if not numpy.any(mask[true_positives+1]):
mask[true_positives+1] = False
result = numpy.empty(data.shape, dtype='int16')
result[:] = data.astype('int8') >> 1
result[true_positives] = (result[true_positives] << 8) + data[true_positives + 1]
mask = numpy.ones(data.shape, dtype=bool)
mask[true_positives + 1] = False
return result[mask]
謝謝!我已驗證您的功能,並按預期工作。現在我只需要弄清楚你在做什麼。 :-) – Micke 2013-02-15 10:42:32
@Micke唯一棘手的部分是'while'循環。在每次迭代之後添加一些'mask'和'new_mask'的打印,並且給它像'[1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1]',它應該讓事情很清楚。 – Jaime 2013-02-15 14:43:48
我終於明白了。把你的代碼逐個分開,我現在明白了。事實上,我做了一些修改,將執行時間縮短了30%。再次感謝您花時間幫助! – Micke 2013-02-15 16:13:34