2012-09-24 59 views


//This sets the parent clip so it's centered on the child "georgia" clip on load 
var yValue:Number = mapcontainer.themap.georgia.y; 
var xValue:Number = mapcontainer.themap.georgia.x; 
var xDiff:Number = mapcontainer.themap.width/2; 
var yDiff:Number = mapcontainer.themap.height/2; 
if (xDiff > stage.stageWidth/2 || yDiff > stage.stageHeight/2) { 
    xValue = -xValue; 
    yValue = -yValue; 
mapcontainer.themap.x = xValue; 
mapcontainer.themap.y = yValue; 

//This line? 
mapcontainer.themap.scaleX = mapcontainer.themap.scaleY = 2; 




protected function scaleAround(objectToScale:DisplayObject, scalePoint:Point, scaleAmount:Number):void { 
    // scaling will be done relatively 
    var relScaleX:Number = scaleAmount/objectToScale.scaleX; 
    var relScaleY:Number = scaleAmount/objectToScale.scaleY; 
    // map vector to centre point within parent scope 

    scalePoint = objectToScale.localToGlobal(scalePoint); 
    scalePoint = objectToScale.parent.globalToLocal(scalePoint); 
    // current registered postion AB 
    var AB:Point = new Point(objectToScale.x, objectToScale.y); 
    // CB = AB - scalePoint, objectToScale vector that will scale as it runs from the centre 
    var CB:Point = AB.subtract(scalePoint); 
    CB.x *= relScaleX; 
    CB.y *= relScaleY; 
    // recaulate AB, objectToScale will be the adjusted position for the clip 
    AB = scalePoint.add(CB); 
    // set actual properties 
    objectToScale.scaleX *= relScaleX; 
    objectToScale.scaleY *= relScaleY; 
    objectToScale.x = AB.x; 
    objectToScale.y = AB.y; 


scaleAround(mapcontainer.themap,new Point(mapcontainer.themap.georgia.x,mapcontainer.themap.georgia.y),2) 

嗨,所有的剪輯有自己的註冊點在中心 – lgriffin


啊,我明白你現在在做什麼。請原諒我的回答太快。我會在幾分鐘後更新。您想放大地圖上的特定點,而不是地圖的中心。 – BadFeelingAboutThis


你需要註冊中心嗎?或者只是爲了讓這更容易? – BadFeelingAboutThis