執行簡單查詢時出現操作符不匹配錯誤。這是什麼原因?PostgreSQL錯誤:操作符不存在:name =整數
dev_db=# `select * from registrants where user=1;` ERROR: operator does not exist: name = integer LINE 1: select * from registrants where user=1; ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
dev_db=# \d+ registrants Table "public.registrants" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description --------------+--------------------------+--------------------+----------+------------- user | integer | not null | plain | degree | text | | extended | title | text | | extended | organization | text | | extended | address | text | | extended | city | text | | extended | Indexes: "registrants_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree ("user") Foreign-key constraints: "registrants_country_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (country) REFERENCES countries(id) "registrants_user_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("user") REFERENCES users(id) Referenced by: TABLE "class_evaluations" CONSTRAINT "class_evaluations_registrant_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (registrant) REFERENCES registrants("user") Triggers: archive_registrants BEFORE DELETE OR UPDATE ON registrants FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE archive_reg_table() Has OIDs: no
@ user2254435:不要使用保留字作爲開頭的標識符。 – 2013-04-07 12:34:38
感謝您的快速回復。這是來自現有的大型應用程序,不容易更改。 – DevR 2013-04-07 12:40:52