我有這個問題Cucumber scenarios for extremely long work flow黃瓜背景和持續存在的場景(或先決條件)
Feature: Submit a manuscript
In order to complete a manuscript submission
As a corresponding author
I want to complete the to-do list
Given I am logged in as "Steve"
And an article_submission "Testing Web Apps" exists
And "Steve" is a "Corresponding Author" for "Testing Web Apps"
And I am on the manuscript to-do list page for "Testing Web Apps"
Scenario: Steve suggests reviewers for his manuscript
Scenario: Steve completes the manuscript fees to-do item
Scenario: Steve wants to add Barbara as a co-author
Scenario: Steve uploads necessary files
Scenario: Steve edits the fees page and general information page
Scenario: Steve re-uploads the manuscript file
Scenario: Steve completes the Copyright Transfer
Scenario: Steve completes Author Responsibilities & Agreement
# These scenarios depend on all the previous ones having run
Scenario: Steve Completes submission
Scenario: Steve goes back and make changes
Scenario: Steve fills out payment page
我想你可能會讓自己的事情變得比他們需要的更難。您列出的作爲情景的內容代替方案中的步驟。就像Pan提到您鏈接到的問題的答案一樣,您的場景應該是自包含的,並且不需要像這樣有依賴關係。如果是我,我會將背景和場景摺疊回一小部分(最後3個可能會變成1場景),並使用更高級別的步驟,例如「鑑於史蒂夫已完成稿件提交」,並進行驗證那些以確保每一步都有效。 – 2011-02-18 18:44:53