2014-01-10 113 views

考慮以下程序。有沒有一種方法可以實現call()函數,而不需要在所有的if聲明中?隨意更改地圖的類型以找到解決方案。 call()也應該拋出一個異常,如果參數數量不正確。 call()的接口可以更改,但函數的名稱,參數數組的指針和參數的數量僅在運行時纔可知。從具有可變數字參數的函數的指針圖調用函數

#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <map> 
#include <cmath> 
#include <boost/any.hpp> 

using namespace std; 

typedef double(*PF1)(double); 
typedef double(*PF2)(double, double); 
typedef double(*PF3)(double, double, double); 

map<string, boost::any> m = { 
    {"sin", static_cast<PF1> (std::sin)}, 
    {"pow", static_cast<PF2> (std::pow)} 
    // other 

double call(string name, double* args, int nargs) { 
    if (name == "sin" && nargs == 1) 
     return boost::any_cast<PF1>(m[name])(args[0]); 
    else if (name == "pow" && nargs == 2) 
     return boost::any_cast<PF2>(m[name])(args[0], args[1]); 
    // etc... 

int main() { 
    double n[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; 
    int narg1 = 1, narg2 = 2; // known at runtime 
    double r = call("sin", n, narg1); 
    r = call("pow", n, narg2); 

可變模板可能會有所幫助。 –


是的,我問他們如何幫助... – Martin


給他們一個嘗試,找出?! –



這裏的另一個做方式。實質上,它使用OP的代碼(通過if s調度),所以它不需要映射或類型擦除。但是,它需要一個尾部循環序列if - else s,而不是在地圖中查找。所以查找速度較慢,但​​不需要間接指示。

// a helper type to generate and deduce a sequence of integers 
template<int...> struct seq {}; 
template<int N, int... Is> struct gen_seq : gen_seq<N-1, N-1, Is...> {}; 
template<int... Is> struct gen_seq<0, Is...> : seq<Is...> {}; 

#include <string> 
#include <cassert> 

template<class T, T t> 
struct c_fptr; 

template<class... Args, double(*fptr)(Args...)> 
struct c_fptr<double(*)(Args...), fptr> 
    std::string name; 

    double operator()(double* argv, int argc) const 
     assert(argc == sizeof...(Args)); 
     return dispatch(argv, gen_seq<sizeof...(Args)>{}); 

    template<int... Is> 
    double dispatch(double* argv, seq<Is...>) const 
     return fptr(argv[Is]...); 


#include <map> 
#include <cmath> 

typedef double(*PF1)(double); 
typedef double(*PF2)(double, double); 
typedef double(*PF3)(double, double, double); 

#include <tuple> 

auto x = std::make_tuple(
     c_fptr<PF1, std::sin>{"sin"} 
    , c_fptr<PF2, std::pow>{"pow"} 


// end recursion 
double call_recurse(std::string const& name, double* argv, int argc) 
    throw std::invalid_argument("name not found"); 

template<class T, class... TT> 
double call_recurse(std::string const& name, double* argv, int argc, 
        T const& l, TT const&... rest) 
    if(name == l.name) 
     return l(argv, argc); 
     return call_recurse(name, argv, argc, rest...); 

template<int... Is> 
double call_dispatch(std::string const& name, double* argv, int argc, seq<Is...>) 
    return call_recurse(name, argv, argc, std::get<Is>(x)...); 

double call(std::string const& name, double* argv, int argc) 
    return call_dispatch(name, argv, argc, 

我敢打賭,你也可以在編譯時的元組元素進行排序,也許建立一個編譯時遞歸OO內的二進制搜索 – dyp


這確實是另一種很好的解決方案。我會用這個。謝謝。 +1。 – Martin




struct var_double_func_base 
    virtual ~var_double_func_base() {} 
    virtual double operator()(double*, int) = 0; 

// a helper type to generate and deduce a sequence of integers 
template<int...> struct seq {}; 
template<int N, int... Is> struct gen_seq : gen_seq<N-1, N-1, Is...> {}; 
template<int... Is> struct gen_seq<0, Is...> : seq<Is...> {}; 

#include <cassert> 

// a delegate-like class, storing the function to call as a non-type template 
// parameter 
template<class T, T t> 
struct var_double_fptr; 

template<class... Args, double(*fptr)(Args...)> 
struct var_double_fptr<double(*)(Args...), fptr> 
    : var_double_func_base 
    virtual double operator()(double* argv, int argc) 
     assert(argc == sizeof...(Args)); 
     return dispatch(argv, gen_seq<sizeof...(Args)>{}); 

    template<int... Is> 
    double dispatch(double* argv, seq<Is...>) 
     return fptr(argv[Is]...); 

用例:(注 - 喜歡unique_ptr,但這並不均勻初始化地圖的工作)。

#include <memory> 
#include <map> 
#include <string> 
#include <cmath> 

typedef double(*PF1)(double); 
typedef double(*PF2)(double, double); 
typedef double(*PF3)(double, double, double); 

std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<var_double_func_base>> m = { 
    {"sin", std::make_shared<var_double_fptr<PF1, std::sin>>()}, 
    {"pow", std::make_shared<var_double_fptr<PF2, std::pow>>()} 
    // other 

double call(std::string name, double* argv, int argc) 
    auto i = m.find(name); 
    assert(i != m.end()); 
    return (*(i->second))(argv, argc); 

int main() { 
    double n[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; 
    int narg1 = 1, narg2 = 2; // known at runtime 
    double r = call("sin", n, narg1); 
    r = call("pow", n, narg2); 

對不起,遲到的答案。這工作也TEACHED我如何產生通過可變參數模板整數序列,這是我在那裏停留在點。 +1。我將分析你的第二個答案,並選擇最好的答案。謝謝。 – Martin


@馬丁注意,我們會得到'的std :: integer_sequence','的std ::用C make_integer_sequence'等++ 1Y – dyp