Retrieve the string from the tb_metatags textbox
Dim s As String
s = Me!tb_metaatags
parse the string into substrings by looking for the commasDim arrLines() As String
Dim arrLines() As String
arrLines = Split(s, ",")
For each substring, check if the substring is in the MetaSearchTags table
Dim itm As Variant
For Each itm In arrLines
Dim strsql As String
Dim numrows As Integer
strsql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MetaSearchTags WHERE SearchTag = " & itm & ""
Dim objcmd As New OleDbCommand(strsql, conn) "I get an error here
numrows = objcmd.ExecuteScalar
If numrows > 0 Then
MsgBox("Record Exists", vbInformation, "Add") "I get an error here
Dim myadapter1 As New OleDbDataAdapter("INSERT INTO MetaSearchTags (SearchTag) "VALUES ('" & itm & "')", conn) "I get an error here
Dim mytable1 As New DataTable
myadapter1.Fill (mytable1)
End If
if it is not already in the MetaSearchTags table, then add it to the table
get the primary key (ID) for the substring from the MetaSearchTags table
Add an row in the MetaSearchTagAssignments table for this search tag
using the projectID, and the substring ID from the MetaSearchTags table
Repeat this process for each substring entered in the field
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這條線上的錯誤是什麼? 'Dim myadapter1 As New OleDbDataAdapter(「INSERT INTO MetaSearchTags ...' –