<table ng-repeat="group in data">
<th> {{group.name}} </th>
<tbody ng-repeat="item in group.items">
<td>{{getIndex($parent.$index - 1, $index)}} | {{item}} </td>
$scope.data = [
{name: 'Group1', items: ['a','b']},
{name: 'Group2', items: [1,2,3]},
{name: 'Group3', items: ['x', 'xx', 'xxx', 'xxxx']}
$scope.getIndex = function(previousGroupIndex, currentItemIndex){
if(previousGroupIndex >= 0){
var previousGroupLength = getPreviousItemsLength(previousGroupIndex);
return previousGroupLength + currentItemIndex;
return currentItemIndex;
function getPreviousItemsLength(currentIndex){
var length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= currentIndex; i++){
length += $scope.data[i].items.length;
return length;
// or even better to use Array.prototype.reduce() for that purpose
// it would be shorter and beautiful
// return $scope.data.reduce(function(previousValue, currentGroup, index){
// return index <= previousGroupIndex ? previousValue + currentGroup.items.length : previousValue;
// }, 0);
退房this JSFiddle看到活生生的例子。
因爲您正在使用索引,所以它的顯示方式如此。索引將從每組中的0開始。你的數據實際上是什麼樣的?有沒有理由使用索引而不是實際值? –
@ Rani Radcliff我不希望數據在那裏顯示。我只是想索引值顯示在那裏,如上所示。有沒有其他方法可以做到這一點? –