2011-09-29 87 views

我有一個圖像,我用cvFindContours() - 我將結果存儲在imageContours中。然後我試圖找到兩個最大的輪廓,並只顯示它們。但由於某種原因,它表現出超過2個輪廓。我的算法有什麼問題?謝謝OpenCV找到最大的輪廓?


cvFindContours (binMask, imageContoursMem, &imageContours, sizeof (CvContour), CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); //find the contours in binMask, and store results in ImageContours 

    //following conditions used to set f_handContour to the bigger contour for the first time, and s_handContour to the smaller contour for the first time 
    if ((cvContourArea (imageContours, CV_WHOLE_SEQ)) > (cvContourArea((imageContours -> h_next), CV_WHOLE_SEQ))) 
    { //begin first contour bigger condition 

     f_handContour = imageContours; 
     s_handContour = (imageContours -> h_next); 

    } //end second contour bigger condition 

    else if ((cvContourArea (imageContours, CV_WHOLE_SEQ)) < (cvContourArea((imageContours -> h_next), CV_WHOLE_SEQ))) 
    { //begin second contour bigger condition 

     f_handContour = (imageContours -> h_next); 
     s_handContour = imageContours; 

    } //begin second contour biggger condition 

    else if ((cvContourArea (imageContours, CV_WHOLE_SEQ)) == (cvContourArea((imageContours -> h_next), CV_WHOLE_SEQ))) 
    { //begin contours equal condition 

     f_handContour = imageContours; //if contours equal assignment of contours doesn't matter 
     s_handContour = (imageContours -> h_next); 

    } //end contours equal condition 

    { //begin error condition 


    } //end error condition 

    while ((imageContours -> h_next) != NULL) 
    { //start of biggest/second biggest contour recognition loop 

     imageContours = (imageContours -> h_next); 

     if (cvContourArea (f_handContour, CV_WHOLE_SEQ) < cvContourArea (imageContours, CV_WHOLE_SEQ)) 
     { //start of next contour bigger than f_handContour condition 

      s_handContour = f_handContour; 
      f_handContour = imageContours; 

     } //end start of next contour bigger than f_handContour condition 

     else if (cvContourArea (f_handContour, CV_WHOLE_SEQ) > cvContourArea (imageContours, CV_WHOLE_SEQ)) 
     { //start of next contour smaller than f_handContour condition 

      if (cvContourArea (s_handContour, CV_WHOLE_SEQ) < cvContourArea (imageContours, CV_WHOLE_SEQ)) 
      { //startof next contour bigger than s_handContour condition 

       s_handContour = imageContours; 

      } //end of next contour bigger than s_handContour condition 

      else if (cvContourArea (s_handContour, CV_WHOLE_SEQ) > cvContourArea (imageContours, CV_WHOLE_SEQ)) 
      { //start of next contour smaller than s_handContour condition 

       //just pass on contour 

      } //end of next contour smaller than s_handContour condition 

      else if (cvContourArea (s_handContour, CV_WHOLE_SEQ) == cvContourArea (imageContours, CV_WHOLE_SEQ)) 
      { //start of next contour equal to s_handContour condition 

       //just pass on contour 

      } // end of next contour equal to s_handContour condition 

      { //start of error condition 


      } //end of error condition 

     } //end of next contour smaller than f_handContour Condition 

     else if (cvContourArea (f_handContour, CV_WHOLE_SEQ) == cvContourArea (imageContours, CV_WHOLE_SEQ)) 
     { //start of next contour equal to f_handContour condition 

      if (cvContourArea (s_handContour, CV_WHOLE_SEQ) < cvContourArea (imageContours, CV_WHOLE_SEQ)) 
      { //startof next contour bigger than s_handContour condition 

       s_handContour = imageContours; 

      } //end of next contour bigger than s_handContour condition 

      { //start of error condition 


      } //end of error condition 

     } //end of next contour equal to f_handContour condition 

     { //start of error condition 


     } //end of error condition 

    } //end of biggest/second biggest contour recognition loop 

    cvDrawContours (output, f_handContour, cvScalar (0,255,0), cvScalar (0,255,255), 1, 3,8, cvPoint (0,0)); //draws the first hand contour derived from binMask on ouput 
    cvDrawContours (output, s_handContour, cvScalar (0,255,0), cvScalar (0,255,255), 1, 3,8, cvPoint (0,0)); //draws the second hand contour derived from binMask on ouput 



CV_RETR_EXTERNAL只檢索極端的外輪廓。 對於你的算法,你應該使用CV_RETR_LIST。 嘗試使用max_level作爲cvDrawContours函數的值0,因爲值1繪製當前輪廓和所有與它處於同一級別的輪廓。 你也可以優化你的條件很多(這是一個混亂),並存儲在一些局部變量的區域,因此不要調用cvContourArea這麼多。


謝謝你,完美的工作:) – fdh