2012-08-25 22 views


{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} 

import Data.Tagged 

data Record :: [*] -> * where 
    RNil :: Record '[] 
    (:*:) :: Tagged f (FieldV f) -> Record t -> Record (f ': t) 

type family FieldV a :: * 

emptyRecord = RNil 

(=:) :: (v ~ FieldV f) => f -> v -> Tagged f v 
f =: v = Tagged v 

class HasField x xs where 
    (=?) :: Record xs -> x -> FieldV x 

instance HasField x (x ': xs) where 
    (Tagged v :*: _) =? _ = v 

instance HasField x xs => HasField x (a ': xs) where 
    (_ :*: r) =? f = r =? f 

data EmployeeName = EmployeeName 
type instance FieldV EmployeeName = String 

data EmployeeID = EmployeeID 
type instance FieldV EmployeeID = Int 

employee = (EmployeeName =: "James") 
     :*: ((EmployeeID =: 5) :*: RNil) 

employeeName = employee =? EmployeeName 
employeeId = employee =? EmployeeID 




由於原來的HList設法擺脫了只使用'MultiParamTypeClasses'和'FunctionalDependencies',我想可以加入(和使用)'DataKinds '不會改變這一點。 –


@Ptharien'sFlame HList文件使用overlappingInstances來實現TypeEq。其他一切都可以使用TypeEq –


@PhilipJF然後你需要的只是'TypeFamilies'和'MultiParamTypeClasses',不需要'TypeEq'! –




type family TypeEq a b :: Bool 
type instance TypeEq a a = True 
type instance TypeEq a b = False 

這實際上是什麼OverlappingInstances給你。 Oleg提出了一種使用TypeReps的替代機制,但我們還沒有。這個答案是合格的,因爲你必須醜陋「解決方案」,喜歡用分型

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, DeriveDataTypeable, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-} 

import Data.Typeable 

type family FieldV a :: * 

data FieldOf f where 
    FieldOf :: FieldV f -> FieldOf f 

(=:) :: f -> FieldV f -> FieldOf f 
_ =: v = FieldOf v 

fromField :: FieldOf f -> FieldV f 
fromField (FieldOf v) = v 

data Record :: [*] -> * where 
    RNil :: Record '[] 
    (:*:) :: Typeable f => FieldOf f -> Record t -> Record (f ': t) 

data SameType a b where 
    Refl :: SameType a a 

useProof :: SameType a b -> a -> b 
useProof Refl a = a 

newtype SF a b = SF (SameType (FieldOf a) (FieldOf b)) 
sf1 :: FieldOf f -> SF f f 
sf1 _ = SF Refl 

targetType :: f -> Maybe (SF g f) 
targetType _ = Nothing 

(?=) :: Typeable a => Record xs -> a -> Maybe (FieldV a) 
RNil ?= _ = Nothing 
(x :*: xs) ?= a = case (gcast (sf1 x)) `asTypeOf` (targetType a) of 
        Nothing  -> xs ?= a 
        Just (SF y) -> Just . fromField $ useProof y x 

x =? v = case x ?= v of 
      Just x -> x 
      Nothing -> error "this implementation under uses the type system" 

data EmployeeName = EmployeeName deriving Typeable 
type instance FieldV EmployeeName = String 

data EmployeeID = EmployeeID deriving Typeable 
type instance FieldV EmployeeID = Int 

employee = (EmployeeName =: "James") 
     :*: ((EmployeeID =: 5) :*: RNil) 

employeeName = employee =? EmployeeName 
employeeId = employee =? EmployeeID 



謝謝,我會以此爲答案!在所有選項中,我不確定我最喜歡什麼。我們要麼沒有數據類型,重疊的實例,要麼我們必須將Typeable帶入...... – ocharles
