2015-10-14 94 views


中發生的問題是圍繞10倍打來電話,工作正常,直到它與GDB出現segfaults功能: 「錯誤讀取變量:無法訪問存儲」 和Valgrind的:





static void processBuffer (GameView currentView, Link pQ, int *pQLen, 
          LocationID *buffer, int bufferLen, Link prev, 
          LocationID cur) 
    //printLinkIndex("prev", prev, NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS); 
    // adds newly retrieved buffer Locations to queue adding link types 
    appendLocationsToQueue(currentView, pQ, pQLen, buffer, bufferLen, cur); 
    // calculates distance of new locations and updates prev when needed 
    updatePrev(currentView, pQ, pQLen, prev, cur); <--- this line here 

    qsort((void *) pQ, *pQLen, sizeof(link), (compfn)cmpDist); 
    // qsort sanity check 
    int i, qsortErr = 0; 
    for (i = 0; i < *pQLen-1; i++) 
     if (pQ[i].dist > pQ[i+1].dist) qsortErr = 1; 
    if (qsortErr) { 
     fprintf(stderr, "loadToPQ: qsort did not sort succesfully"); 


static void appendLocationsToQueue (GameView currentView, Link pQ, 
            int *pQLen, LocationID *buffer, 
            int bufferLen, LocationID cur) 
    int i, c, conns; 
    TransportID type[MAX_TRANSPORT] = { NONE };  

    for (i = 0; i < bufferLen; i++) { 
     // get connection information (up to 3 possible) 
     conns = connections(currentView->gameMap, cur, buffer[i], type); 
     for (c = 0; c < conns; c++) { 
      pQ[*pQLen].loc = buffer[i]; 
      pQ[(*pQLen)++].type = type[c];    


下面是相關代碼的其餘部分:) 最短路徑(:

appendLocationsToQueue(currentView, pQ, pQLen, buffer, bufferLen, cur); 


Link shortestPath (GameView currentView, LocationID from, LocationID to, PlayerID player, int road, int rail, int boat) 
    if (!RAIL_MOVE) rail = 0; 

    // index of locations that have been visited  
    int visited[NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS] = { 0 }; 

    // current shortest distance from the source 
    // the previous node for current known shortest path 
    Link prev; 
    if(!(prev = malloc(NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS*sizeof(link)))) 
     fprintf(stderr, "GameView.c: shortestPath: malloc failure (prev)"); 

    int i; 
    // intialise link data structure 
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS; i++) { 
     prev[i].loc = NOWHERE; 
     prev[i].type = NONE; 
     if (i != from) prev[i].dist = INF; 
     else prev[i].dist = LAST; 
    LocationID *buffer, cur; 
    // a priority queue that dictates the order LocationID's are checked 
    Link pQ; 
    int bufferLen, pQLen = 0; 
    if (!(pQ = malloc(MAX_QUEUE*sizeof(link)))) 
     fprintf(stderr, "GameView.c: shortestPath: malloc failure (pQ)"); 
    // load initial location into queue 
    pQ[pQLen++].loc = from; 

    while (!visited[to]) { 
     // remove first item from queue into cur 
     shift(pQ, &pQLen, &cur); 
     if (visited[cur]) continue; 
     // freeing malloc from connectedLocations() 
     if (cur != from) free(buffer); 
     // find all locations connected to 
     buffer = connectedLocations(currentView, &bufferLen, cur, 
            player, currentView->roundNum, road, 
            rail, boat); 
     // mark current node as visited 
     visited[cur] = VISITED; 
     // locations from buffer are used to update priority queue (pQ) 
     // and distance information in prev  
     processBuffer(currentView, pQ, &pQLen, buffer, bufferLen, prev, 
    return prev; 

你是否將內存分配給'buffer'? – ameyCU


不應該'sizeof(link)'是'sizeof(Link)'? (無論如何,「link」是什麼?)。 –


typedef struct _link { LocationID loc; TransportID類型; float dist; }鏈接; typedef struct _link * Link;它是圖中兩個節點之間的鏈接ADT –




您可以在撥打appendLocationsToQueue$rbp應該始終在給定功能內具有相同的值,但已經改變)之前和之後在GDB中用print $rbp進行確認。


你應該可以使用Address Sanitizer(g++ -fsanitize=address ...)很容易地找到這個bug。

在GDB中找到溢出也很容易:步入appendLocationsToQueue,並且執行watch -l *(char**)$rbp,continue。當您的代碼覆蓋$rbp保存位置時,應該觸發觀察點。


這工作的一種享受。我是在假定valgrind會提醒我導致問題的溢出類型並因此將其歸因於某種看不見的情況下運行的。 –


@RyanMckay Valgrind對堆棧和全局進行很少的檢查。地址Sanitizer是*更好*。 –