Factory errorFact is to simplify error handling and reporting in other objects.
It supports detailed error output as a text string and into the browser's console.
Usage example:
A function that supports return of an error object would have the following declaration
as its very first line:
var e = errorFact.create("objectName.funcName", arguments);
- in this declaration we specify the full object + method name as the first string parameter,
- and as the second parameter we pass javascript's reserved variable called arguments, which
provides reference to all of the function's parameters for logging.
When an error occurs, the function would return:
return e.error("Error description text");
- this line will create and return a complete error context.
When a function that supports return of an error object makes a call into another
function that also supports the error context, then it can return the nested error
result by passing the embedded error to the current error object instead of the error
var e = errorFact.create("objectName.funcName", arguments);
var data = callAnotherFunc(...); // calling a function that support an error object;
if(data.isError){ // If an error was triggered;
return e.error(data); // return that error from the current context;
The top-level code that calls an error-returning function would do verification
and if an error occurred, log all its details into console (typically).
var data = getData(...);
data.log(); // Output all the error details into the browser's console;
"use strict";
app.factory("errorFact", function(){
return {
// creates a new error context;
create: function(method, args){
var result = {
// initiates and returns the error context;
error: function(msg){
this.info.isError = true;
this.info.details.caller = msg;
this.info.details.msg = msg;
return this.info;
isError: false,
details: {},
log: function(){
// formats complete error details into a text string;
format: function(){
var txt = this.details.caller.format();
txt += "\nCALLER: " + this.details.method + "(" + this.formatArguments() + ")";
return txt;
return "Error calling " + this.details.method + "(" + this.formatArguments() + "): " + this.details.msg;
return this.details.msg;
return "";
// formats function argument details into a text string;
formatArguments: function(){
return "";
var params = "";
for(var i = 0;i < this.details.args.length;i ++){
if(params.length > 0){
params += ",";
var p = this.details.args[i];
if(p === undefined){
params += "undefined";
if(p === null){
params += "null";
if(typeof(p) == "object"){
params += "Object";
params += p;
return params;
result.info.details.method = method;
result.info.details.args = args;
return result;
"use strict";
app.factory('moduleFact', ['errorFact', function(errorFact){
return {
// Locates existing module and expands its key Id references
// into corresponding object references:
// - If 'hintGroupId' is present, property 'hints' is added from
// the corresponding hint group.
// - If 'repModules' is present, properties 'question' and 'refs'
// are added.
// On success, return the expanded module object.
// On failure, returns an error object.
// NOTE: Currently supports only the first value in repModules.
expandModule: function(moduleData, moduleId){
var e = errorFact.create("moduleFact.expandModule", arguments);
if(!moduleData || !moduleData.modules || !moduleId){
return e.error("Invalid parameters passed");
var mod = this.findModule(moduleData, moduleId);
return e.error(mod);
var src = mod;
var repId = mod.repModules[0];
return e.error("Invalid repModules encountered");
// temporary check to throw a warning:
if(mod.repModules.length > 1){
console.warn("Multiple values in property repModules: " + JSON.stringify(mod.repModules) +
", which is not supported yet (only the first value is used)");
src = this.findModule(moduleData, repId);
return e.error(src);
mod.question = src.question;
return e.error("Question not specified");
mod.refs = src.refs;
var hg = this.findHintGroup(moduleData, src.hintGroupId);
return e.error(hg);
mod.hints = hg.hints;
return mod; // needed extra: expand attribute repModules
// Expands all the modules and returns the data;
expandAllModules: function(moduleData){
var e = errorFact.create("moduleFact.expandAllModules", arguments);
if(!moduleData || !moduleData.modules){
return e.error("Invalid parameters passed");
for(var i = 0;i < moduleData.modules.length;i ++){
var result = this.expandModule(moduleData, moduleData.modules[i].id);
return e.error(result);
return moduleData;
// Locates and returns module by its Id;
findModule: function(moduleData, moduleId){
var e = errorFact.create("moduleFact.findModule", arguments);
if(!moduleData || !moduleData.modules || !moduleId){
return e.error("Invalid parameters passed");
for(var i = 0;i < moduleData.modules.length;i ++){
if(moduleData.modules[i].id == moduleId){
return moduleData.modules[i];
return e.error("Module with Id = " + moduleId + " not found");
// Locates and returns Hint Group by its Id;
findHintGroup: function(moduleData, hintGroupId){
var e = errorFact.create("moduleFact.findHintGroup", arguments);
if(!moduleData || !moduleData.hintGroups || !hintGroupId){
return e.error("Invalid parameters passed");
for(var i = 0;i < moduleData.hintGroups.length;i ++){
if(moduleData.hintGroups[i].id == hintGroupId){
return moduleData.hintGroups[i];
return e.error("Hint Group with Id = " + hintGroupId + " not found");
"use strict";
app.controller('standardsCtrl', ['$scope', 'moduleFact', function($scope, moduleFact){
var data = ...//getting data;
var mod = moduleFact.expandAllModules(data);
mod.log(); // log all error details into the console;
// use the data
你看看$ exceptionHandler對象嗎?有關更多信息,請參閱http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13595469/how-to-override-exceptionhandler-implementation。 – 2013-03-06 23:11:55
謝謝,我已經看過了。是的 - 我們已經查看了提供的'$ exceptionHandler',表面上看起來運行良好,但基本上是一個用於實現自己的解決方案的shell。如該文章中提到的那樣記錄到服務器是一個好主意 - 這是我們肯定想要做的事情之一。 – 2013-03-07 03:54:44
我們正在做一個[app] .provider(),其中包含$ exceptionHandler,主要用於生產日誌記錄。儘管如此,開發並不是那麼好,因爲堆棧跟蹤不太好。 – Sharondio 2013-03-08 18:23:05