2012-10-01 30 views


另外:作爲新的C,我怎麼能得到相同的結果,而使用功能int vowel_count(char my_sen[]),而不是使用中我主要的代碼?


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include <ctype.h> 
#define SENTENCE 256 

int main(void){ 

char my_sen[SENTENCE], *s; //String that containts at most 256 as well as a pointer 
int words = 1, count = 0,vowel_word = 0; //Integer variables being defined 
int i,vowel = 0, length; //More definitions 
printf("Enter a sentence: ");//Input sentence 
gets(my_sen);//Receives and processes input 
length = strlen(my_sen); //Stores the length of the input within length 

for(i=0;my_sen[i] != '\0'; i++){ 
    if(my_sen[i]=='a' || my_sen[i]=='e' || my_sen[i]=='i' || my_sen[i]=='o' || my_sen[i]=='u' || //Loop that states if the input contains any of the following 
     my_sen[i]=='A' || my_sen[i]=='E' || my_sen[i]=='I' || my_sen[i]=='O' || my_sen[i]=='U') //characters(in this case, vowels), then it shall be 
     {                       //stored to be later printed 

    if(my_sen[i]==' ' || my_sen[i]=='!' || my_sen[i]=='.' || my_sen[i]==',' || my_sen[i]==';' || //Similar to the vowel loop, but this time 
     my_sen[i]=='?')                   //if the following characters are scanned within the input 
     {                      //then the length of the characters within the input is 
      length--;                   //subtracted 



for(s = my_sen; *s != '\0'; s++){ //Loop that stores the number of words typed after 
    if(*s == ' '){    //each following space 

printf("The sentence entered is %u characters long.\n", length); //Simply prints the number of characters within the input 
printf("Number of words in the sentence: %d\n", count + 1); // Adding 1 to t[he count to keep track of the last word 
printf("Average length of a word in the input: %d\n", length/count);//Prints the average length of words in the input 
printf("Total Number of Vowels: %d\n", vowel);//Prints the number of vowels in the input 
printf("Average number of vowels: %d\n", vowel/count);//Prints the average number of vowels within the input 
printf("Number of words that contain at least 3 vowels: %d\n", vowel_word);//Prints number of words that contain at least 3 vowels 
return 0; 

如果您創建了類似於'type *'函數的函數來檢查元音,那麼第一個'if'語句中的條件可能會更具可讀性。第二個if語句也是如此 –








    #include <string.h> 

    int count_vowels(char []); 
    int check_vowel(char); 

     char array[100]; 
     printf("Enter a string\n"); 
     char seps[] = " "; 
     char* token; 
     int input[5]; 
     int i = 0; 
     int c = 0; 
     int count = 0; 

     token = strtok (array, seps); 
     while (token != NULL) 
     c = 0; 
     c = count_vowels(token); 
     if (c >= 3) { 
     token = strtok (NULL, seps); 
     printf("Number of words that contain atleast 3 vowels : %d\n", count); 
     return 0; 

    int count_vowels(char a[]) 
     int count = 0, c = 0, flag; 
     char d; 

      d = a[c]; 

      flag = check_vowel(d); 

      if (flag == 1) 

     }while(d != '\0'); 

     return count; 

    int check_vowel(char a) 
     if (a >= 'A' && a <= 'Z') 
      a = a + 'a' - 'A'; /* Converting to lower case */ 

     if (a == 'a' || a == 'e' || a == 'i' || a == 'o' || a == 'u') 
      return 1; 

     return 0; 


#include <ctype.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <string.h> 

int vowel_count(char my_sen[]) 
    int wcount = 0; // number of words with 3+ vowel chars 
    int vcount = 0; // current number of vowel chars in the current word 
    int i = 0; // index into the string 
    int ch; 
    while ((ch = my_sen[i++]) != '\0') 
    if (isspace(ch) || !isalpha(ch)) 
     // ch is not an alphabetical char, which can happen either 
     // before a word or after a word. 
     // If it's after a word, the running vowel count can be >= 3 
     // and we need to count this word in. 
     wcount += vcount >= 3; // add 1 to wcount if vcount >= 3 
     vcount = 0; // reset the running vowel counter 
     continue; // skip spaces and non-alphabetical chars 
    if (strchr("aeiouAEIOU", ch) != NULL) // if ch is one of these 
     ++vcount; // count vowels 
    // If my_sen[] ends with an alphabetical char, 
    // which belongs to the last word, we haven't yet 
    // had a chance to process its vcount. We only 
    // do that in the above code when seeing a non- 
    // alphabetical char following a word, but the 
    // loop body doesn't execute for the final ch='\0'. 
    wcount += vcount >= 3; // add 1 to wcount if vcount >= 3 
    return wcount; 

int main(void) 
    char sen[] = "CONSTITUTION: We the People of the United States..."; 
    printf("# of words with 3+ vowels in \"%s\" is %d", sen, vowel_count(sen)); 
    return 0; 


# of words with 3+ vowels in "CONSTITUTION: We the People of the United States..." is 3 



非常感謝您的支持,我特別感謝您提供的意見,以便我能夠從您的寫作中學習。再次,非常感謝並感謝您的洞察力。 – user1664272


不客氣。順便說一句if(isspace(ch)||!isalpha(ch))'可以簡化爲'if(!isalpha(ch))'。 –
