2013-10-10 54 views


Error 1 The name 'HIDDEN' does not exist in the current context C:\gNOSIS\Oracle\Software\oracle\oracle\obj\x64\Debug\Verilog2001Lexer.cs 131 22 oracle 
Error 2 The name 'HIDDEN' does not exist in the current context C:\gNOSIS\Oracle\Software\oracle\oracle\obj\x64\Debug\Verilog2001Lexer.cs 136 22 oracle 
Error 4 The name 'HIDDEN' does not exist in the current context C:\gNOSIS\Oracle\Software\oracle\oracle\obj\x64\Debug\Verilog2001Lexer.cs 145 22 oracle 
Error 5 'Antlr4.Runtime.ICharStream' does not contain a definition for 'LA' and no extension method 'LA' accepting a first argument of type 'Antlr4.Runtime.ICharStream' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\gNOSIS\Oracle\Software\oracle\oracle\obj\x64\Debug\Verilog2001Lexer.cs 156 25 oracle 
Error 6 'Antlr4.Runtime.ICharStream' does not contain a definition for 'LA' and no extension method 'LA' accepting a first argument of type 'Antlr4.Runtime.ICharStream' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\gNOSIS\Oracle\Software\oracle\oracle\obj\x64\Debug\Verilog2001Lexer.cs 156 44 oracle 
Error 7 'Antlr4.Runtime.ICharStream' does not contain a definition for 'LA' and no extension method 'LA' accepting a first argument of type 'Antlr4.Runtime.ICharStream' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\gNOSIS\Oracle\Software\oracle\oracle\obj\x64\Debug\Verilog2001Lexer.cs 156 64 oracle 
Error 8 'Antlr4.Runtime.ICharStream' does not contain a definition for 'LA' and no extension method 'LA' accepting a first argument of type 'Antlr4.Runtime.ICharStream' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\gNOSIS\Oracle\Software\oracle\oracle\obj\x64\Debug\Verilog2001Lexer.cs 156 84 oracle 
Error 9 The name 'EOF' does not exist in the current context C:\gNOSIS\Oracle\Software\oracle\oracle\obj\x64\Debug\Verilog2001Parser.cs 920 23 oracle 
Error 10 'oracle.Verilog2001Parser' does not contain a definition for 'EOF' C:\gNOSIS\Oracle\Software\oracle\oracle\obj\x64\Debug\Verilog2001Parser.cs 875 66 oracle 

你有什麼至今?根本不知道,你怎麼解釋它? –






@members { 
    public const int EOF = Eof; 
    public const int HIDDEN = Hidden; 



請原諒我的無知,我是Antlr的新手。添加@members {}語句到Verilog2001.g4語法文件以糾正問題嗎?謝謝。 –


由於這將是一個組合語法(在同一個文件中包含解析器和詞法分析器規則),您需要使用@lexer :: members {}語法,但是,這是我所指的文件。 –


對於「拉」 /「LA」部分,你可以添加一些擴展方法來解決這個問題:

namespace Antlr4.Runtime 
    public static class AntlrCsCompatability 
     public static int LA(this ICharStream self, int i) 
      return self.La(i: i); 


namespace GeneratedCode.ANTLR4 
    public partial class STLexer 
     public const int EOF = Eof; 
     public const int HIDDEN = Hidden; 
