(java的3 * 3的深度一個調光板):
int minimax(int turn, int depth) { // turn(side to move) is 1 or -1
int val = -turn; // worst value for that turn
int result = NULVAL;
if (wins()) return turn; // evaluate board (board is a field)
if (depth == 0) return DRAW;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
if (board[i] == EMPTY) {
board[i] = turn; // make move
result = minimax(-turn, depth - 1);
board[i] = EMPTY; // delete move
if (result == turn)
return turn; // sees win
if (result == DRAW)
val = result;
// if result keeps NULVAL: couldn't make a move (board is full)
if (result == NULVAL) return DRAW;
return val;
我把它貼在這裏獲得更好的顯示:語法高亮http://pastebin.com/ewsQSDWX – Silentbang