id | fk_question_type | description | num | value | total
1 | 1 | How was the breakfast? | 0 | Bad | 0
1 | 1 | How was the breakfast? | 1 | Good | 1
1 | 1 | How was the breakfast? | 0 | Indifferent| 0
1 | 1 | How was the breakfast? | 2 | Very good | 2
2 | 1 | How was the lunch? | 0 | Bad | 0
2 | 1 | How was the lunch? | 1 | Good | 1
2 | 1 | How was the lunch? | 0 | Indifferent| 1
2 | 1 | How was the lunch? | 1 | Very good | 1
id | fk_question_type | description | num | value | total
1 | 1 | How was the breakfast? | 0 | Bad | 3
1 | 1 | How was the breakfast? | 1 | Good | 3
1 | 1 | How was the breakfast? | 0 | Indifferent| 3
1 | 1 | How was the breakfast? | 2 | Very good | 3
2 | 1 | How was the lunch? | 0 | Bad | 2
2 | 1 | How was the lunch? | 1 | Good | 2
2 | 1 | How was the lunch? | 0 | Indifferent| 2
2 | 1 | How was the lunch? | 1 | Very good | 2
SELECT id, fk_question_type, description, num, value, SUM(num) AS totalAnswers
(SELECT q.id, q.fk_question_type, q.description, COUNT(a.id) AS num, at.value
FROM answer a
LEFT JOIN question q ON a.`fk_question`=q.`id`
LEFT JOIN answer_type at ON at.id = a.`fk_answer_type`
GROUP BY q.id, at.id ORDER BY q.id, at.id)
(SELECT q.id, q.fk_question_type, q.description, 0 AS num, at.value
FROM answer a
LEFT JOIN question q ON a.`fk_question`=q.`id`
LEFT JOIN answer_type at ON at.fk_question_type=q.fk_question_type
GROUP BY q.id, at.id ORDER BY q.id, at.id)
) AS T
WHERE fk_question_type = 1
GROUP BY id, value ORDER BY id
你真的需要使用'LEFT JOIN'代替'INNER JOIN'?你真的能有一個沒有相應問題的答案嗎? – Barmar
從小提琴的答案中,可以看到問題「早餐怎麼樣?」,「午餐怎麼樣?」和「你會再來?」每個問題三次。 「晚餐怎麼樣」只問了兩次。有人指出,你能否詳細說明你想在'num'中看到什麼以及'total'中有什麼? –
@DhruvSaxena我想'num'已經是它的樣子了,'早餐是怎麼回事','Bad'值是0次,1次是'Good',0次是'無所謂',2次是'非常好'。 '總數'應該是問題回答的次數,所以這是每行'早餐怎麼樣'的3倍?' 對不起,如果我沒有說清楚。 – EnricSV