我編寫了一個reddit機器人,我測試了它很多,我可以說它除了最後一部分自動化以外運作良好。它第一次檢查留下的每一條評論,並從名爲 真相和dare的陣列中回覆它們,當它完成時它只是打印它檢查的消息,但對新評論沒有任何影響。我使用PRAW(Pythons Reddit API包裝)和python 3.5。謝謝檢查所有評論後,Reddit bot停下來
#1. Import libraries
import praw
import random
import time
#2. Write the truths and dares
dares = ["Draw snoo", "Draw the android logo", "Spin in a circle for a minute", "Wish a random contact on a social media platform Happy birthday but it isn't their birthday", "Eat a potato" ]
truths = ["Do you like someone on this subreddit", "Do you do drugs","Do you watch porn", "Do you pirate stuff", "What is your favorite Disney princess", "How many times have you been drunk"]
cache = []
#3. Connect to reddit
r = praw.Reddit(user_agent = "TruthAndDare by @UnknownDevelope /u/unknowndeveloper")
def run_bot():
print("Getting Subreddit ...")
subreddit = r.get_subreddit("subreddit")
print("Getting comments ...")
comments = subreddit.get_comments(limit=200)
#4. Check subreddit
#5. Check for a truth or a dares
#6. Reply
submission = r.get_submission(submission_id='submissionid')
flat_comments = praw.helpers.flatten_tree(submission.comments)
already_done = set()
for comment in flat_comments:
if comment.body == "/u/TruthAndDareBot Truth" and comment.id not in already_done:
randomTruth = random.choice(truths)
print("SIR I found a truth and im gonna reply to it. The post ID is: "+ comment.id)
if comment.body == "/u/TruthAndDareBot Dare" and comment.id not in already_done:
randomDare = random.choice(dares)
print("SIR I found a Dare and im gonna reply to it. The post ID is: "+ comment.id)
while True:
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