不知道這是可能的Mysql的對陣查詢 - 顯示在結果匹配關鍵字
我有一大堆的100個關鍵字中,我運行一個對陣查詢,看看這些關鍵字存在於表 - 查詢工作正常:
SELECT * FROM questions_new WHERE MATCH (question_title,question)
AGAINST ('depreciation amortization npv dcf "discounted cash flow" "cash flow statement" "current assets"' IN BOOLEAN MODE);
question_id | question_title | question
1 | what is depreciation | I am trying to do this DCF calculation......
2 | Need help with this | what is a cash flow statement
3 | Cannot solve this problem | Can you give more examples on npv
現在查看question_title或問題 - 我很難找出與關鍵字列表匹配的關鍵字是非常大的。
question_id | keyword | question_title | question
1 | depreciation, DCF | what is depreciation | I am trying to do this DCF calculation......
2 | cash flow statement | Need help with this | what is a cash flow statement
3 | npv | Cannot solve this problem | Can you give more examples on npv
正如你所看到的第一個結果,顯示相匹配2個關鍵字 - 折舊和DCF。
預先感謝 感謝您的幫助
這是在PHP中嗎? –
我直接在數據庫上運行這個查詢來獲取報告。 – Gublooo