2012-02-09 27 views

下面該代碼發生在一個兩位數字(比方說12)和應該返回這個號碼作爲數字12(NOT ASCII)裝配AT&T語法,在ASCII返回一個ASCII整數

mov  $IBUFF, %eax # IBUFF stores the ASCII number 12 
movl $NUMBER, %ecx # NUMBER will i put the number 12 (NO ASCII) 

movb (%eax), %bl  # Moves the first byte (1) to %bl 
subb $48, %bl  # Decrease %bl so it is not longer a ASCII sign. 
movb %bl, (%ecx)  # Moves this byte into the first place in NUMBER 

inc %eax    # Increase IBUFF so it points to the next integer 
inc %ecx    # Increase NUMBER so it points to the next empty space 

movb (%eax), %bl  # Same as above 
subb $48, %bl  # Same as above 
movb %bl, (%ecx)  # Same as above 

mov NUMBER, %eax  # Move the number 12 from NUMBER to %eax (return register) 






你有這樣做的一些示例代碼? – Bewn 2012-02-14 10:22:18


@Bewn - 不,但將數字乘以10,然後再添加另一個數字不應該那麼難... – 2012-02-15 03:55:17


Okey,今晚我會試試它。謝謝 ! – Bewn 2012-02-16 10:51:05