import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Stack;
public class HillClimber {
private LocalSearchNode _current;
private int _shoulderSearchStepsAllowed;
// may need more instance variables
public HillClimber(LocalSearchNode initial, int searchShoulder) {
_current = initial;
_shoulderSearchStepsAllowed = searchShoulder;
public LocalSearchNode findSolution() {
LocalSearchNode neighborNode = null;
//Stack <LocalSearchNode> nodeStack;
State currentState = null;
//State neighborState = null;
Double val = 0.0;
boolean start = true;
while (true) {
currentState = _current.getState();
Stack<LocalSearchNode> nodeStack = new Stack<LocalSearchNode>();
// finds the highest valued successor of current
for (String s : currentState.actions()) {
State neighborState = currentState.successor(s);
Double cost = neighborState.estimatedDistance(neighborState);
// execute this for the first successor found
if (start) {
val = cost;
System.out.println("Started with " + val);
neighborNode = new LocalSearchNode(neighborState,
s, val, 0);
start = false;
((QState) nodeStack.peek().getState()).test();
// resets node array if new min found and adds it to the array
else if (cost < val) {
System.out.println("Reset " + val + " with " + cost);
val = cost;
nodeStack = new Stack<LocalSearchNode>();
neighborNode= new LocalSearchNode(neighborState,
s, val, 0);
((QState) nodeStack.peek().getState()).test();
// if cost is the same as current min val, add it to the array
else if (cost.equals(val)) {
val = cost;
System.out.println("Added " + val);
neighborNode = new LocalSearchNode(neighborState,
s, val, 0);
((QState) nodeStack.peek().getState()).test();
System.out.println("Final min " + val);
((QState) nodeStack.elementAt(0).getState()).test();
((QState) nodeStack.elementAt(1).getState()).test();
// returns current state if no better state found
if (_current.getValue() < val) {
// System.out.println(val);
// ((QState) _current.getState()).test();
return _current;
} else {
if (nodeStack.size() > 1) {
Random generator = new Random();
int i = generator.nextInt(nodeStack.size());
_current = nodeStack.elementAt(i);
} else {
_current = nodeStack.firstElement();
start = true;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class QState implements State {
private List<String> _list;
private int[][] _state;
private int[] _qlist;
* Constructor takes in the board and row index value corresponding to the
* queens at their respective column index
* @param state
* @param queens
public QState(int[][] state, int[] queens) {
_state = state;
_qlist = queens;
_list = new ArrayList<String>();
// generates a list of all possible actions for this state
for (int i = 0; i < _qlist.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _qlist.length; j++) {
if (_state[i][j] != -1) {
_list.add("Move queen " + j + " to row " + i);
* Returns a list of N * (N - 1) actions
public List<String> actions() {
return _list;
* Returns the matrix board configuration of this state
* @return
public int[][] getMatrix() {
return _state;
* Returns the array of queens row index for the board configuration
* @return
public int[] getQList() {
return _qlist;
* Parses the action and moves the queen to the new board location
public State successor(String action) {
State temp = null;
int[][] newState = _state;
int[] newQList = _qlist;
String[] vals = action.split("\\s");
int i = Integer.parseInt(vals[5]); // parses the row index
int j = Integer.parseInt(vals[2]); // parses the column index
newState[_qlist[j]][j] = 0; // clears the old queen
newState[i][j] = -1; // sets the new queen
newQList[j] = i; // adds the new queen to the list
temp = new QState(newState, newQList);
return temp;
* Returns the default step cost of 1.0
public Double stepCost(String action) {
return 1.0;
// overrides the built-in Java equals method
public boolean equals(Object s) {
if (s == null) {
return false;
if (this.getClass() != s.getClass()) {
return false;
if (!Arrays.equals(this.getMatrix(), ((QState) s).getMatrix())) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns the queen conflicts for the particular board
public Double estimatedDistance(State s) {
double conflicts = 0.0;
int col = 0;
int row = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < _qlist.length; j++) {
row = _qlist[j] - 1;
col = j + 1;
// checks the upper right diagonal for queen conflicts
while (row >= 0 && col < _qlist.length) {
if (_state[row][col] == -1) {
row = _qlist[j] + 1;
col = j + 1;
// checks the lower right diagonal for queen conflicts
while (row < _qlist.length && col < _qlist.length) {
if (_state[row][col] == -1) {
row = _qlist[j];
col = j + 1;
// checks the sideways right for queen conflicts
while (col < _qlist.length) {
if (_state[row][col] == -1) {
// test();
return conflicts;
public void test() {
for (int i = 0; i < _qlist.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _qlist.length; j++) {
if (_state[i][j] == -1) {
} else {
由於您在代碼的2個位置創建新堆棧,可能會出現執行錯誤。 – Antoniossss
*「它也會更改所有節點的neighborState值」*這聽起來像只有一個neighborState對象。另外,不幸的是,我不認爲我們可以從給出的代碼中確定錯誤的來源。只是猜測它。所顯示的代碼過於依賴,它使用的不是來自JDK的類。 – Radiodef
@Radiodef我在我的QState類中添加了這個類,該類是該程序使用的另一個類。除此之外,最初的棋盤是在其各自的列中隨機生成N個皇后。 – Asdeev