2013-04-17 24 views


def list_comments(db, limit=None): 
    """return a list of all comments as tuples 

     - tuples are (id, useremail, page, comment) 
     if limit is provided it should be an integer and only that 
     many comments will be returned 

    cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM comments") 
    manyresults = cursor.fetchall() 

    for row in cursor: 
     return row 


CREATE TABLE comments (
     id integer unique primary key autoincrement, 
     useremail text, 
     page text, 
     comment text, 
     FOREIGN KEY(useremail) REFERENCES users(email) 



def test_list_comments(self): 
    """The list_comments procedure should return a list of tuples 
    one for each of the comment entries in the database, each tuple 
    should contain """ 

    clist = interface.list_comments(self.db) 

    # we should have the same number of comments as we created 
    self.assertEquals(len(clist), len(self.comments), "Wrong number of comments returned from list_units, expected %d, got %d" % (len(self.comments), len(clist))) 

    # comments should be in order so the largest id should be first 
    self.assertEquals(clist[0][0], self.comments[-1][0], "Wrong comment id first in comment list, expected %d, got %d" % (clist[0][0], self.comments[-1][0])) 

    # and the comment list should be ordered by id 
    ids = [c[0] for c in clist] 
    self.assertEqual(sorted(ids, reverse=True), ids, "List of comments returned is not in large-to-small order: %s" % (ids,)) 

    # try the limit argument 
    clist = interface.list_comments(self.db, 3) 
    self.assertEquals(len(clist), 3, "Wrong number of comments returned from list_comments with a limit argument, expected 3, got %d" % (len(clist),)) 




  1. 你沒有做任何事情與cursor.fetchall()
  2. 結果你是唯一返回第一個結果,不是全部

我想什麼y OU需要的是:

cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM comments") 
manyresults = cursor.fetchall() 
return list(manyresults) 


return list(cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM comments")) 

哦,使得很多更有意義,我不知道爲什麼我沒有之前看到的。我仍然以某種方式使用我添加到原始問題描述中的測試來獲得異常錯誤。 – user2288946


self.assertEquals(clist [0] [0],self.comments [-1] [0],「錯誤的評論ID先在評論列表,預計%d,得到%d「%(clist [0] [0],self.comments [-1] [0])) AssertionError:錯誤的評論ID第一次在評論列表中,預期0,得到11 – user2288946


您需要添加'ORDER BY id'進行查詢,否則結果將不會按任何順序排序。 –