2012-01-22 25 views


這是oyu可以通過Facebook API或通過其他方式做些什麼嗎?你會怎麼做?


「公開可用」並不意味着「服務條款」允許您抓取數據。 –



由於獲取用戶信息需要用戶授權您的應用程序,或者該用戶必須與批准您的應用程序的用戶成爲朋友,因此無法通過其Graph API訪問此信息。你可以刮臉Facebook的網站,但這是違反他們的服務條款,並且很棘手,因爲他們有很多措施來防止刮蹭。






paragraphs of (do shell script "cat /tmp/ids_of_users") 
repeat with user in result 
    set s to "open -gagoogle\\ chrome https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=" & user & "\\&sk=photos_albums" 
    tell application "Google Chrome" 
     close windows 
     repeat until exists window 1 -- the open command sometimes results in an `LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed` error 
      do shell script s 
      delay 5 
     end repeat 
     repeat while loading of tabs of window 1 contains true 
      delay 1 
     end repeat 
     tell active tab of window 1 
      set albums to execute javascript "o='';a=document.querySelectorAll('.albumThumbLink');for(i=0;e=a[i];i++){o+=e.href+'\\n'};o" 
     end tell 
     if albums is not missing value and albums is not "" then 
      repeat with p in paragraphs 1 thru -2 of albums 
       do shell script "open -jgagoogle\\ chrome " & quoted form of p 
       delay 1 
      end repeat 
      repeat while loading of tabs of window 1 contains true 
       delay 1 
      end repeat 
       tell application "Google Chrome" to tell active tab of window 1 
        repeat while loading is true 
         delay 1 
        end repeat 
        set src to execute javascript "document.body.innerHTML" 
        if src contains "no photos in this album" then exit repeat 
        if src contains "you may not have permission to view this page" then return -- your account got restricted for a week by Facebook 
        set prev to 0 
         set y to execute javascript "document.querySelector('.fbTimelineStarGridSeparator').scrollIntoView();window.scrollY" 
         delay 1 
         if y is prev then exit repeat 
         set prev to y 
        end repeat 
        set out to execute javascript "o='';a=document.querySelectorAll('.tagWrapper i');for(i=0;e=a[i];i++)o+=e.getAttribute('style').replace(/.*?\\(/,'').replace(/\\).*/,'')+'\\n';o" 
        if out is not "" then 
         do shell script "printf %s " & quoted form of out & "|sed s/^/" & user & "\\ />>/tmp/albums" 
        end if 
       end tell 
      end if 
     end tell 
end repeat 


paragraphs of (do shell script "cat /tmp/ids_of_images") 
repeat with photoid in result 
    tell application "Google Chrome" 
     close windows 
     repeat until exists window 1 
      do shell script "open -gagoogle\\ chrome https://www.facebook.com/" & photoid 
      delay 5 
     end repeat 
     repeat while loading of tabs of window 1 contains true 
      delay 1 
     end repeat 
     tell active tab of window 1 
      set src to execute javascript "document.querySelector('.spotlight').src" 
      if src is not missing value then 
       do shell script "echo '" & src & "'>>/tmp/bigger" 
      end if 
     end tell 
    end tell 
end repeat 


https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=<user id>&sk=photos_albums被重定向到一個用戶的相冊頁面,https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=<user id>&sk=photos_all被重定向到由用戶發佈的所有照片的頁面,並https://www.facebook.com/<fbid of image or user>被重定向到頁面的圖像或用戶。




https://www.facebook.com/photo/download/?fbid=<fbid of photo>曾經被重定向到圖像的全尺寸版本,但今年早些時候停止工作。

https://graph.facebook.com/<user id>/picture?width=9999被重定向到用戶的全尺寸配置文件圖片,即使Graph API不再可用,該圖片仍然有效。
