2011-11-30 32 views



foo, bar, baz :: a -> Maybe a 

其中foo只能以一種方式(非常適合Maybe)失敗,但barbaz可以在每個兩種不同的方式失敗(良好擬合對於Either BarErrorsEither BazErrors)。


data AllTheErrors = TheFooError 
        | BarOutOfBeer 
        | BarBurnedDown 
        | ... 

,並讓所有的函數返回Either AllTheErrors,這表示可能通過這些功能的組成的序列在表達爲代價提高誤差範圍每個個人功能可能的錯誤範圍。





{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} 
import Prelude hiding (catch) 
import Control.Monad.Exception 

data FooException = FooException deriving (Show, Typeable) 
instance Exception FooException 

data BarErrors = BarErrors deriving (Show, Typeable) 
instance Exception BarErrors 

data BazErrors = BazErrors deriving (Show, Typeable) 
instance Exception BazErrors 

-- sample functions  
foo :: (Throws FooException l) => a -> EM l a 
foo a = return a 

bar :: (Throws BarErrors l) => a -> EM l a 
bar _ = throw BarErrors 

baz :: (Throws BazErrors l) => a -> EM l a 
baz a = return a 

-- using all at once: 

allAtOnce :: (Throws FooException l, Throws BarErrors l, Throws BazErrors l) => 
      a -> EM l String 
allAtOnce x = do 
    _ <- foo x 
    _ <- bar x 
    _ <- baz x 
    return "success!" 

-- now running the code, catching the exceptions: 

run :: a -> String 
run x = runEM $ allAtOnce x `catch` (\(_ :: FooException) -> return "foo failed") 
     `catch` (\BarErrors -> return "bar failed") 
     `catch` (\BazErrors -> return "baz failed") 

-- run 3 results in "bar failed" 

也見文章Explicitly Typed Exceptions for HaskellAn Extensible Dynamically-Typed Hierarchy of Exceptions有關使用此庫的更多細節。


輝煌,謝謝! – jberryman


做了一些研究之後,我認爲適合我的庫的是在'failure'包中'Failure'類中多態地定義我的庫的函數,這裏是:http://hackage.haskell.org/package/failure。這讓我表達了可以在類型sig中引發的異常類型,併爲我的用戶提供了使用像'Maybe'這樣簡單的東西的選項,或者像control-monad-exception(它提供了一個實例)那樣更強大的選項。再次感謝。 – jberryman