程序請求的行數(1D啓動數組)。 然後要求2個整數,整數。 然後要求用戶選擇2行。 然後添加2個選定行的總和。
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
//1D_Array. Load Element and Add Sumline .
//KHO2016.no5. mingw (TDM-GCC-32) . c-ansi .
int a,b,c,d,e,sum1=0;
int array[50];
int i,j,elm1,elm2;
printf ("Plot a number of elements [1 - 20]: ");
scanf ("%d",&a);
printf ("Plot a value : ");
scanf ("%d",&b);
printf ("Plot an increment value : ");
scanf ("%d",&c);
{for (i<0;i<=a;i++)
{array[i] =(b+(++c)); // set value for variable [i], inside the array subscript. the vairable [i] must have an INT, and an increment to function !
sum1 = (sum1 + array[i]);
printf ("Row [%.2d] : %.2d + %.2d = %d\n",i,b,c,array[i]);}
printf ("\nSum total = %d\n",sum1);}
printf ("\nRow [%.2d] = %d\n",b,array[b]);
printf ("Row [%.2d] = %d\n",a,array[a]);
printf ("Select 2 Rows :\n");
scanf ("%d%d",&elm1,&elm2);
printf ("You selected Row [%.2d] = %d\n",d,array[d]);
printf ("You selected Row [%.2d] = %d\n",e,array[e]);
printf ("The sum of two selected Rows [%d]+[%d] : %d + %d = %d\n",d,e,array[d],array[e],array[d]+array[e]);
return 0;
有沒有數組切片,你必須自己做,有一個循環,最有可能的 – Ben