所以,這裏有一些循環序列給你。免責聲明 - 代碼沒有進行測試,可能是錯誤,但邏輯佈局應該是正確的
Private _numOfControls As Integer = 20
Private _variables As New Dictionary(Of String, String)(_numOfControls)
Private Sub Setup()
For i as integer = 1 To _numOfControls
Dim cboName As String = "cbo" & i
Dim cbo As New ComboBox()
cbo.Name = cboName
cbo.SelectedIndex = 0
' Add cbo location according to your logic here
container.Controls.Add(cbo) ' container - any control or form that hosts cbo
_variables.Add(cboName, ">")
AddHandler cbo.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf OnCboSelectedIndexChanged
End Sub
' If you do this way, your control-related variable will have appropriate equality sign without need for iteration
Private Sub OnCboSelectedIndexChanged (sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim cbo As ComboBox = CType(sender, ComboBox)
myDict(cbo.Name) = If(cbo.SelectedIndex = 0, ">", "<")
End Sub
' But if you do not want to do in the above^^ way, you can iterate dictionary
Private Sub FromDictionaryToCbo()
' Here you can't use for-loop on dictionary because your dictionary will be mutating. So lets iterate keys
For Each k As String In _variables.Keys.ToArray())
_variables(k) = If(CType(container.Find(k, True), ComboBox).SelectedIndex = 0, ">", "<")
End Sub
' And iterating combo boxes would be something similar as another answer here
' But we use our naming convention to bypass other controls
Private Sub FromCboToDictionary()
Dim c As Control
For i As Integer = 1 To < _numOfControls
Dim key As String = "cbo" & i.ToString()
'We don't know, may be there some other combo boxes are there, so we use our naming convention instead of control type
c = container.Find(key, True)
If c IsNot Nothing Then
_variables(key) = If(CType(c, ComboBox).SelectedIndex = 0, ">", "<")
end If
End Sub
您可以縮短你的代碼'VAL1 = IF(Combobox1.SelectedIndex = 0, 「>」, 「<」)' –
是VAL1 ,val2,val3等在方法中聲明爲** locals ** ...或者它們是類級變量嗎?使用組合框**名稱**作爲關鍵字來實現這一點可能會更容易。 –
@Idle_Mind這就是我剛纔所說的(下) –