myArray WORD 1231h, 2342h, 3353h, 4564h, 5675h, 7, 9
main proc
mov eax, 0 ;index of the left side of the array
mov esi, SIZEOF myArray
sub esi, TYPE myArray ;index of the right side of the array
movsx edx, [myArray + eax] ;puts the left element of the array in eax
xchg dx, [myArray + esi] ;exchange edx with the right element of the array
mov [myArray + eax], dx ;puts the right element into the left part of the array
add eax, TYPE myArray ;eax is currently pointing to leftPtr so we add the appropriate amount to
;it depending on the size of each element in myArray. This way it will point
;to the next element in the array
sub esi, TYPE myArray ;same concept as above except we are subtracting the amount from the right pointer
cmp esi, eax ;compare the right pointer to the left pointer
jnle Switch ;Jump if the right pointer is !(<=) the left pointer
main endp
end main
不要使用'xchg'與內存操作數,除非你想* *隱含'lock'前綴的效果(原子的讀 - 修改 - 寫內存訪問,和一個完整的內存屏障)。它比只使用兩個tmp寄存器慢得多。除此之外,不要忘記在你的函數結尾處「ret」,除非MASM爲你添加一個。 –
雖然我不知道主要問題的答案。您可能不得不使用MASM宏在'mov [mem],dl'和'mov [mem],dx'之間選擇。選擇數組的'TYPE'只有在靜態時才起作用(而不是函數arg),對吧? AFAIK,你不能告訴MASM你想''esi]'暗示一個特定的操作數大小。但是我不使用MASM,只是NASM/YASM和GNU。 –