2015-04-25 53 views

繼我以前的問題[1],我想申請多處理matplotlib的griddata函數。是否可以將網格數據分成4部分,每部分4個核心?我需要這個來提高性能。Python - 多處理matplotlib griddata


import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab 
import time 

size = 500 

Y = np.arange(size) 
X = np.arange(size) 
x, y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) 
u = x * np.sin(5) + y * np.cos(5) 
v = x * np.cos(5) + y * np.sin(5) 
test = x + y 

tic = time.clock() 

test_d = mlab.griddata(
    x.flatten(), y.flatten(), test.flatten(), x+u, y+v, interp='linear') 

toc = time.clock() 

print 'Time=', toc-tic 

我不認爲你可以應用多處理。也許,這個問題http://stackoverflow.com/q/7424777/566035有幫助嗎? – otterb


示例代碼在語法上不正確。你打算如何處理以下行: 'test = xx + yy' – OYRM


我修復了代碼,現在應該運行。 –



我跑到下面的示例代碼在Python 3.4.2,與numpy的版本1.9.1和matplotlib 1.4.2版,在MacBook Pro上有4個物理CPU(即相對於「虛擬」的CPU,這在Mac硬件架構也使得可用於某些用例):

import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab 
import time 
import multiprocessing 

# This value should be set much larger than nprocs, defined later below 
size = 500 

Y = np.arange(size) 
X = np.arange(size) 
x, y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) 
u = x * np.sin(5) + y * np.cos(5) 
v = x * np.cos(5) + y * np.sin(5) 
test = x + y 

tic = time.clock() 

test_d = mlab.griddata(
    x.flatten(), y.flatten(), test.flatten(), x+u, y+v, interp='linear') 

toc = time.clock() 

print('Single Processor Time={0}'.format(toc-tic)) 

# Put interpolation points into a single array so that we can slice it easily 
xi = x + u 
yi = y + v 
# My example test machine has 4 physical CPUs 
nprocs = 4 
jump = int(size/nprocs) 

# Enclose the griddata function in a wrapper which will communicate its 
# output result back to the calling process via a Queue 
def wrapper(x, y, z, xi, yi, q): 
    test_w = mlab.griddata(x, y, z, xi, yi, interp='linear') 

# Measure the elapsed time for multiprocessing separately 
ticm = time.clock() 

queue, process = [], [] 
for n in range(nprocs): 
    # Handle the possibility that size is not evenly divisible by nprocs 
    if n == (nprocs-1): 
     finalidx = size 
     finalidx = (n + 1) * jump 
    # Define the arguments, dividing the interpolation variables into 
    # nprocs roughly evenly sized slices 
    argtuple = (x.flatten(), y.flatten(), test.flatten(), 
       xi[:,(n*jump):finalidx], yi[:,(n*jump):finalidx], queue[-1]) 
    # Create the processes, and launch them 
    process.append(multiprocessing.Process(target=wrapper, args=argtuple)) 

# Initialize an array to hold the return value, and make sure that it is 
# null-valued but of the appropriate size 
test_m = np.asarray([[] for s in range(size)]) 
# Read the individual results back from the queues and concatenate them 
# into the return array 
for q, p in zip(queue, process): 
    test_m = np.concatenate((test_m, q.get()), axis=1) 

tocm = time.clock() 

print('Multiprocessing Time={0}'.format(tocm-ticm)) 

# Check that the result of both methods is actually the same; should raise 
# an AssertionError exception if assertion is not True 
assert np.all(test_d == test_m) 


/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/tri/triangulation.py:110: FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.self._neighbors) 
Single Processor Time=8.495998 
Multiprocessing Time=2.249938 

我不確定是什麼導致了triangulation.py的「未來警告」(顯然,我的matplotlib版本不喜歡關於最初爲該問題提供的輸入值的內容),但無論如何,多處理似乎確實達到了8.50/2.25 = 3.8,(編輯:請參閱註釋)所需的加速比,這大約是我們對具有4個CPU的機器的約4倍的附近。最後,斷言聲明也成功執行,證明兩種方法得到相同的答案,所以儘管有些奇怪的警告信息,但我相信上面的代碼是一個有效的解決方案。

編輯:一個評論者指出,無論是我的解決方案,以及代碼片段張貼原作者,很可能使用了錯誤的方法,time.clock(),用於測量執行時間;他建議使用time.time()。我想我也正在接近他的觀點。 (進一步挖掘Python文檔,我仍然不相信即使這個解決方案是100%正確的,因爲更新版本的Python似乎不贊成使用time.clock()而使用time.perf_counter()time.process_time()。但不管我是否同意,是否或者不是time.time()絕對是採取這種測量的最正確的方式,它仍然可能比我以前使用的更正確,time.clock()。)





不幸的是,您不是使用''time.clock()''計算掛鐘時間(請參閱http://stackoverflow.com/a/23325328/1510289)。相反,使用''time.time()''注意多處理場景需要更長的時間。雖然這是一個不錯的嘗試!我也嘗試自己分割輸入值,發現沒有加速到''griddata()''無論如何。 ( –


對不起,但@ stachyra的回答是不正確的。用''time.time()''替換''time.clock(''''''真正的掛鐘性能會更糟,我的8-CPU機器給出:''Single Processor時間= 8.833多處理時間= 11.677'' –


我無法啓動它...我得到一個錯誤:「Traceback(最近調用最後): 文件」/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/process.py「,第258行,在_bootstrap中 self._target(* self._args,** self._kwargs) 文件「」,第11行,包裝中 test_w = mlab.griddata(x,y ,z,xi,yi,interp ='linear') 文件「/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/mlab.py」,第2619行,griddata raise ValueError(「輸出格必須有恆定的間距「 ValueError:輸出網格必須具有常量sp當使用INTERP ='線性'...'「 – user3601754