2016-12-06 57 views

我正嘗試使用BlueJ在Java中創建一個類。我的班級名爲汽車。我的目標是能夠使用我的構造函數方法創建具有以下變量的汽車:年份,顏色,品牌,門數,公里數,自動(布爾值),售出(布爾值),說明和一個識別號碼。所有變量都有一個設定的默認值,一個最小值和一個最大值。Java中的Getters,Setter和Constructors - 製作一輛汽車並放養它




public class Automobile { 

    private static final String[] COLORS = { "Other", "Noir", "Blanc", "Bleu Nuit", "Bleu Clair", "Vert Pomme", "Vert Bouteille", "Taupe", "Argent", "Sable"}; 

    private static final String[] BRANDS = { "Autre", "Mazda", "Toyota", "Ford", "GM", "Hyunday", "BMW", "SAAB", "Honda"};  

    public static final int COLOR_DEF = 8; 
    public static final int COLOR_MIN = 0; 
    public static final int COLOR_MAX = COULEURS.length - 1; 

    public static final int BRAND_DEF = 4; 
    public static final int BRAND_MIN = 0; 
    public static final int BRAND_MAX = MARQUES.length - 1; 

    public static final double KILO_DEFAULT = 55000; 
    public static final double KILO_MIN = 15000; 
    public static final double KILO_MAX = 140000; 

    public static final int TWO_DOORS = 2; 
    public static final int FOUR_DOORS = 4; 
    public static final int DOORS_DEFAULT = FOUR_DOORS; 

    public static final boolean AUTO_DEF = true; 
    public static final int YEAR_MIN = 1997; 
    public static final int YEAR_MAX = 2016; 
    public static final int YEAR_DEFAUT = 2007; 

    public static final String COMM_DEFAUT = ""; 

    public static String color (int cou) { 

     String chainecolor = ""; 

     if (cou >= COLOR_MIN && cou <= COLOR_MAX) { 
      chainecolor = COLORS[cou]; 

     return chainecolor; 
     } //This method is to return the String value of a color from its int value using the COLORS table. If invalid it returns an empty chain. 

    public static String brand (int br) { 

     String chainebrand = ""; 

     if (ma >= BRAND_MIN && ma <= BRAND_MAX) { 
      chainebrand = BRANDS[br]; 
     return chainebrand; 
     } //same thing for the brand 

    public Automobile (int brand, int year, int color, boolean automatic, double kilometers,int nbrDoors, String description, boolean sold){ 

     //To be completed   

    //here i'm supposed to create getters that return int values for everything but automatic, sold and description 

    public void setYear (int year) { 
     if (year >= YEAR_MIN && YEAR <= YEAR_MAX) { 
     year = year; 
    } // supposed to be the setter for my year, as long as it's within the accepted values 

    public void setMarque (int brand){ 
     if (brand >= BRAND_MIN && brand <= BRAND_MAX) { 
      brand = brand; 
    } //same, for the brand 

    public void setColor (int color) { 

     if (color >= COLOR_MIN && color <= COLOR_MAX){ 
      color = color; 
    }// same for the color 

    public void setNbrDoors (int p) { 

     if (p == TWO_DOORS || p == FOUR_DOORS){ 
      p = p; 
    } // same for the door. I am forced to use (int p) as the variable for this method, which confuses me as to how I will refer to it from nbrDoors up in the Automobile constructor method 

} // Automobile 


  • 是我爲這個目的而作出有效制定者的例子嗎?我不明白是否需要p = p或color = color ...

  • 如何創建一個getter方法,該方法能夠從setNbrDoors中獲取變量p,並返回其值並使其具有它用於汽車構造函數中的nbrDoors?

  • 我應該在構造函數方法中寫什麼,比如它能夠從getters中獲取它的值?


P.S .:工作原本是法文,所以我翻譯了變量和方法名稱,以便我更好地理解。此外,變量名稱,方法等都是強加的,我強迫這種方式完全按照這種方式。

編輯:同樣,靜態品牌和顏色轉換的使用也被強加。這兩種方法僅用於從int值返回字符串。它們不在構造函數中使用。最後,異常將在第二部分工作中使用單獨的驗證循環進行處理。 Automobile類實際上僅用於處理「汽車」對象的創建。





(2)您沒有使用this.設置實例變量(因爲您沒有創建它們)enter code here。請注意,this始終指向當前對象,請參閱here,即當您說this.year= year時,實際上將右手邊year賦值給當前對象的變量(左手邊)year


public class Automobile { 

     private int year; 
     private int color; 
     private int brand; 

     //add other fields 

     public Automobile (int brand, int year, int color, boolean automatic, double kilometers,int nbrDoors, String description, boolean sold) { 

      if (year >= YEAR_MIN && year <= YEAR_MAX) { 
       this.year = year; 
      } else { 
       new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Year Passed to construct Automobile"); 

      //Similarly add other validations for brand, color, etc.. 

     public void setYear (int year) { 
      if (year >= YEAR_MIN && YEAR <= YEAR_MAX) { 
       //USE 'this.' as shown below' to set the given year to 'this' object's year 
       this.year = year; 

     public int getYear() { 
      return year; 

     //Similarly add setters and getters for year, color, brand, etc... 

所以我必須用這個。在所有安裝者。你能提供一個這個變量的Getter的例子嗎? 此外,品牌和顏色轉換的靜態也是強加的。這兩種方法僅用於從int值返回字符串。它們不在構造函數中使用。最後,異常將在第二部分工作中使用單獨的驗證循環進行處理。汽車類真的只用於製造汽車。 (我會將此添加到我的文章中) –


由於您太棒了,所以更新了上面的代碼,使用getter – developer


javaguy,我還有一個額外的問題。我必須創建一個變量,該變量將作爲我製作的每輛車的唯一標識號,並從1開始(所以第一輛車將是1,第二輛將是2等)。之後,我將有一種方法來克隆我創建的任何汽車,因此創建一個具有所有相同屬性的新車,除了銷售和識別變量。對於出售,我可以將其重置爲false,但是如何每次都複製所有變量的值,同時生成新的標識號?謝謝 –


1 - 這是更好地使用這個 P = p來你的對象屬性。

2 setNbrDoors,返回一個無效的,你不能從中拿起一個變量,你應該創建一個getNbrDoors:int getNbrDoors() { return this.p; }
