感謝, 的Mickaël
感謝, 的Mickaël
我一直在玩DbGeometries了一會兒,this article提供了一個很好的工具來操作它。
我懷疑這會不會像return myGeo.ExteriorRing;
//handling of LineStrings (I use this to build WPF Path for example)
private static object LineStringToSomething(DbGeometry sqlGeometry)
object result = null;
DbGeometry curPoint;
System.Windows.Point startPoint = new System.Windows.Point()
X = sqlGeometry.PointAt(1).XCoordinate.Value,
Y = sqlGeometry.PointAt(1).YCoordinate.Value
curPoint = sqlGeometry.PointAt(1);
for (int i = 2; i <= sqlGeometry.PointCount; i++)
//Do something with the line between curPoint and PointAt(i)
curPoint = sqlGeometry.PointAt(i);
return result;
//Defines an extension method on DbGeometry objects
//usage :
// myOwnGeometry = myGeo.AsSimpleGeometry();
public static object AsSimpleGeometry(this DbGeometry sqlGeometry)
object result = null;
switch (sqlGeometry.SpatialTypeName.ToLower())
case "point":
//Here we found a point
return result;
case "polygon":
// A Spacial Polygon is a collection of Rings
// A Ring is a Closed LineString, i.e. a collection of lines.
List<object> lotOfGeos = new List<object>();
// Outer Ring
return LineStringToSomething(sqlGeometry.ExteriorRing);
// Inner Rings (holes in the donut)
for (int i = 1; i <= sqlGeometry.InteriorRingCount; i++)
//just comment to ignore the inner loops
return lotOfGeos;
case "linestring":
// Return a PathFigure
return LineStringToSomething(sqlGeometry);
case "multipoint":
case "multilinestring":
case "multipolygon":
case "geometrycollection":
//Here we handle a collection of points, polygons and/or lines
List<object> moreGeos = new List<object>();
for (int i = 1; i <= sqlGeometry.ElementCount.Value; i++)
//Simply calling the same method on each item
return moreGeos;
// Unrecognized Type
// Shall not happen
return null;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Types;
using System.Data.Entity.Spatial;
private static DbGeometry GetSimpleDbGeography(DbGeometry input)
// We can create geometry using Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeometryBuilder
// We have to use this to reconstruct the geometry we want from the input as DbGeometry.ExteriorRing() returns a LINESTRING which is no good to us
SqlGeometryBuilder builder = new SqlGeometryBuilder();
// We MUST set an SRID
OpenGisGeometryType ourType;
// We must set the type
if (input.SpatialTypeName.ToUpper() == "POLYGON")
ourType = OpenGisGeometryType.Polygon;
else if (input.SpatialTypeName.ToUpper() == "MULTIPOLYGON")
ourType = OpenGisGeometryType.MultiPolygon;
throw new ArgumentException("Non Polygon received.");
// Tell the Builder what we're creating
// This assumes we have a valid DbGeometry instance, otherwise .Value will cause an error
int numberOfElements = input.ElementCount.Value;
// Loop through each element, this will either be one (POLYGON) or more (MULTIPOLYGON)
for (int i = 1; i < (numberOfElements + 1); i++)
// BeginGeometry only required for MULTIPOLYGON
if (ourType == OpenGisGeometryType.MultiPolygon)
// Begin a POLYGON geometry
// ElementAt() is not zero-based index
DbGeometry element = input.ElementAt(i).ExteriorRing;
// Start the figure with the first point
builder.BeginFigure(element.StartPoint.XCoordinate.Value, element.StartPoint.YCoordinate.Value);
// Lopp through remaining points
for (int j = 2; j < (element.PointCount.Value + 1); j++)
// PointAt() is not zero-based index
builder.AddLine(element.PointAt(j).XCoordinate.Value, element.PointAt(j).YCoordinate.Value);
// End the current polygon
// EndGeometry only required for MULTIPOLYGON
if (ourType == OpenGisGeometryType.MultiPolygon)
// End the current Geometry
// Finalise the geometry
// Convert the construsted geometry back to a DbGeometry instance
DbGeometry finalGeometry = DbGeometry.FromBinary(builder.ConstructedGeometry.STAsBinary().Buffer);
return finalGeometry;
// Two sample donuts
DbGeometry donut1 = DbGeometry.FromText("POLYGON((0 0, 3 0, 3 3, 0 3, 0 0),(1 1, 2 1, 2 2, 1 2, 1 1))", 0);
DbGeometry donut2 = DbGeometry.FromText("POLYGON((10 10, 13 10, 13 13, 10 13, 10 10),(11 11, 12 11, 12 12, 11 12, 11 11))", 0);
// A merged, double-donut
DbGeometry doubleDonut = donut1.Union(donut2);
// Produces POLYGON((0 0, 3 0, 3 3, 0 3, 0 0))
DbGeometry donut1_simple = GetSimpleDbGeography(donut1);
// Produces MULTIPOLYGON(((10 10, 13 10, 13 13, 10 13, 10 10)),((0 0, 3 0, 3 3, 0 3, 0 0)))
DbGeometry doubleDonut_simple = GetSimpleDbGeography(doubleDonut);
從本質上講,它重新創建幾何原樣但沒有任何漏洞。我真的很喜歡把這些放在一起的挑戰! :-)
感謝您的幫助,但這不是我所期待的。對於donut1_simple我預計:MULTIPOLYGON(((1.5 0,1.5 1,1 1,1 2,1.5 2,1.5 3,0 3,0 0,1.5 0)),((1.5 0,3 0,3 3,1.5 3,1.5 2,2 2,2 1,1.5 1,1.5 0)))。這種幾何形狀由沒有孔的多邊形構成,但形狀相同,面積與圓環1相同。 – mvera
@ mvera所以你說的是你想保留這個洞,但不是一個洞。換句話說,您想要根據需要以多種方式切割幾何圖形,以便能夠在孔周圍切割,但是多邊形的外觀就好像它仍然有孔一樣?如果是這樣,有什麼用?你想達到什麼目的?這當然不是簡化它。 –
您是在尋找外邊界還是代表由外邊界(無孔)定義的多邊形的區域? –
不,我搜索一組覆蓋與具有孔的多邊形相同區域的多邊形。對於甜甜圈我想檢索一個「C」和一個倒「C」。 – mvera
我不明白「C」和倒「C」的評論。也許一些明確的(但簡單的)日子會有所幫助。 –