var filteredEvents = [Event]()
var eventsArray = [Event]()
fileprivate func fetchEvents(){
print("Fetching events....")
//create a reference to the location in the database that you want to pull from and observe the value there
let ref = Database.database().reference().child("events")
// this will retur a snapshot with all the data at that location in the database and cast the results as a dictionary for later use
ref.observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in
guard let dictionaries = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] else{
//does the job of sorting dictionary elements by key and value
//displaying the key and each corresponding value
dictionaries.forEach({ (key,value) in
// print(key, value)
//creating an eventDictionary to store the results of previous call
guard let eventDictionary = value as? [String: Any] else{
//will cast each of the values as an Event based off my included struct
//Make sure to create a model it is the only way to have the data in the format you want for easy access
let events = Event(currentEventKey: key, dictionary:eventDictionary)
// appends that to the dictionary to create the dictionary of events
// will sort the array elements based off the name
self.eventsArray.sort(by: { (event1, event2) -> Bool in
return event1.currentEventName.compare(event2.currentEventName) == .orderedAscending
// will again reload the data
}) { (err) in
print("Failed to fetch events for search")
"events" : {
"CCDS" : {
"attend:count" : 1,
"event:date" : {
"end:date" : "08/09/2017",
"end:time" : "7:00 PM",
"start:date" : "08/09/2017",
"start:time" : "5:00 PM"
"event:description" : "Happy hour is more joyful in the summer thanks to Center City District Sips, which offers discounted drinks and appetizers every Wednesday evening. Catch up with old friends and make a few new ones as Center City’s best bars and restaurants host the summer’s happiest hour every Wednesday from 5-7 p.m. Enjoy $5 cocktails, $4 wine, $3 beers and half-price appetizers at dozens and dozens of bars and restaurants.",
"event:imageURL" :someURL",
"event:location" : {
"event:city" : "Philadelphia",
"event:state" : "PA",
"event:street:address" : "660 Chestnut St",
"event:zip" : 19106
"event:name" : "Center City District Sips"
"MIA" : {
"attend:count" : 1,
"event:date" : {
"end:date" : "09/03/2017",
"end:time" : "7:00 PM",
"start:date" : "09/02/2017",
"start:time" : "12:00 PM"
"event:description" : "Budweiser Made in America Festival is an annual music festival held in Philadelphia and formerly simultaneously held in Los Angeles.Sponsored by Anheuser–Busch and produced by Live Nation, the event features several stages that continuously host live music from a wide range of genres including hip hop, rock, pop, R&B, and EDM.",
"event:imageURL" : "someURL",
"event:location" : {
"event:city" : "Philadelphia",
"event:state" : "PA",
"event:street:address" : "Ben Franklin Parkway",
"event:zip" : 19130
"event:name" : "Made In America"
fileprivate func fetchEvents(searchString: String){
print("Fetching events....")
//create a reference to the location in the database that you want to pull from and observe the value there
let ref = Database.database().reference().child("events")
// this will retur a snapshot with all the data at that location in the database and cast the results as a dictionary for later use
let query = ref.queryOrdered(byChild: "event:name").queryEqual(toValue: searchString)
query.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
guard let dictionary = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] else{
}) { (err) in
print("Failed to fetch event data", err)
(/events { ep = Made In America; i = "event:name"; sp = Made In America; })
爲了澄清,你問有一種方法可以讓textField在其中輸入一些值,然後查詢數據庫以查找該值?或者你是否想要做一些類似無限滾動的操作,一次只下載幾個孩子? –
@JenPerson即時通訊尋找一種方式,讓我有一個文本框,我輸入一些價值,然後quesry尋找該值的firebase – SJackson5
通知每個用戶已問/編輯你的問題是不是很好。請耐心等待,因爲這是一個問答社區,而不是付費支持論壇。請參閱SO的[「保持良好」政策](https://stackoverflow.com/help/be-nice)。 – nathan