Please enter a digit infused string to explode: You7only7live7once
Please enter the digit delimiter: 7
The 1st word is: You
The 2nd word is: only
The 3rd word is: live
The 4th word is: once
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string userInfo;
cout << "Please enter a digit infused string to explode:" << endl;
cin >> userInfo;
istringstream inSS(userInfo);
string userOne;
string userTwo;
string userThree;
string userFour;
inSS >> userOne;
inSS >> userTwo;
inSS >> userThree;
inSS >> userFour;
cout << "Please enter the digit delimiter:" << endl;
int userDel;
cin >> userDel;
cout <<"The 1st word is: " << userOne << endl;
cout << "The 2nd word is: " << userTwo << endl;
cout << "The 3rd word is: " << userThree << endl;
cout << "The 4th word is: " << userFour <<endl;
return 0;
Please enter a digit infused string to explode:
Please enter the digit delimiter:
The 1st word is: You7Only7Live7Once
The 2nd word is:
The 3rd word is:
The 4th word is:
輸出'userDel'並告訴我它說了什麼。 :) –
好吧,您不要以任何方式使用您的'userDel',這是有點期待 – Ap31
所以你想知道在哪裏使用你可能甚至不需要的特定功能,而不是實際執行所需的任務?爲什麼? –