我創建了一個腳本,該腳本會自動響應在休息日發送給我的電子郵件。我最近決定對其進行升級,以便通過發送特殊格式的電子郵件,將數據從正文中提取出來,將這些數據存儲在Google表格中,然後提取該值並將其用作我的休假日。Google Apps腳本將問題分析編號轉換爲變量
function autoResponder(){
var content;
var myemail = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
//Searches your Google Drive for the spreasdsheet that will hold your day off values.
var searchDrive = DriveApp.searchFiles('title contains "AutoResponder Data"')
if (searchDrive.hasNext()){
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.open(searchDrive.next());
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheets()[0];
var data = sheet.getRange("A1");
// Searches for your updater email and retrieves the message.
var findlabel = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName('AutoResponderUpdate');
var thread = findlabel.getThreads()[0];
//Checks if an update email was found.
if (thread != undefined){
var threadId = thread.getId();
var message = thread.getMessages()[0];
//Copies the data from your email and pastes it into a spreadsheet, then deletes the email entirely.
var content = message.getPlainBody();
var writeData = data.setValue(content);
Gmail.Users.Threads.remove(myemail, threadId);
} else {
//Reads data from spreadsheet if no email messages are found.
var readData = data.getValue();
var content = readData;
} else {
//Creates the spreadsheet that will hold your day off values if one is not found.
SpreadsheetApp.create('AutoResponder Data');
// Specifies which days you have off. Sun=0 Mon=1 Tue=2 Wed=3 Thurs=4 Fri=5 Sat=6
//var daysOff = [content.toString().replace("char(10)", "")];
//var daysOff = [5,6];
var test = content.split(",");
var test2 = test.length;
var output = "";
if (test2 > -1){
for (var n = 0; n < test2; n++){
if (n === (test2 - 1)){
output = output + parseInt(test[n]);
} else {
output = output + parseInt(test[n]) + ",";
var daysOff = [output];
/* There is some code after this to auto reply to the email,
but I've left that out. */
當你說這不工作,我推測,你的意思是'Logger.log(daysOff)'日誌什麼,如果你是從電子郵件或電子表格中獲取值。在日誌中記錄「message」,「content」,「readData」,「test」,「test2」和「output」的值是什麼?您是否能夠通過從電子表格中獲取值來使您的代碼正常工作? –
@DeanRansevycz所以'Logger.log(daysOff)'顯示正確的數據。例如,如果我手動將'daysOff'設置爲'[5,6]',日誌將顯示'[5.0,6.0]',但如果我從電子郵件或電子表格單元格中獲取值'5,6',它將記錄爲'[5,6]'。從這個角度來看,我認爲它像一個字符串而不是數字,但我不知道爲什麼或如何改變它。希望澄清它。 –
仍然不理解你的問題。在電子郵件或電子表格填充時,您在休息日發佈自動回覆的邏輯是不是在解釋'daysOff'中的值?順便說一句,爲什麼'output'是一個字符串,而不是一個數組?你的自動回覆代碼是否需要一個數組? –